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'That combination was really good Crystal!' Serena praised her friend.

Crystal grinned. 'Thanks Serena.'

'I would suggest to ask Umbreon to spin.' Hannah added. 'It would make it so that it goes throughout the room.'

The three girls were still in Mauville, as Serena was waiting for Ash's call that he had beat the trial. Serena was starting to get nervous. Had something happened to him?

Crystal asked Umbreon to spin while using Moonlight and Shadow Ball, and the two attacks collided, making white and purple sparkles floated around the field they were in.

'That was perfect!' Hannah exclaimed. Crystal flushed while smiling brightly.

Serena's pokedex buzzed. 'Missed call from Alola.' It read.

'It's Ash!' Serena said, relieved. They all ran the pokémon center (Swablu floating behind), where a videophone was ringing for Serena. She answered the call, and Ash's face appeared on screen.

He and Pikachu on his shoulder waved. 'Hey Serena! Hey Crystal, hey Hannah, hey Swablu!'

They all chimed in with their hellos, Swablu doing a little happy chirp.

'So did you beat the Totem?' Hannah asked.

Ash shook his head. 'No! Because Team Rocket stole the Totem!'

'Who's Team Rocket?' Hannah questioned.

Crystal put her hand to her chin as if to think. 'I think I've heard of them. They're a organisation who steal pokémon right?' Ash and Serena nodded. 'But they weren't as bad as Team Aqua or Magma.'

'Who are they?' Hannah asked. 'And why don't I know any of these? I only know Team Skull!'

This time it was Serena and Crystal who were confused. 'Who's Team Skull?'

'Team Skull is this gang of people who try to be evil, but fail miserably.' Hannah said. 'I had a few run-ins with them. They just seem like people who got cut out from society.'

Ash nodded. 'I ran into them once.' He tried to change the subject. 'Well, Team Rocket took this huge Gumshoos!' He exclaimed. 'Then Pikachu got trapped after helping the Totem run free. Then Rockruff broke Pikachu out.

'The Trial Captain, Ilima, offered me the Normalium Z for helping. But I want to see how strong it is!'

Hannah looked confused. 'Why was yours a Gumshoos? Mine was a Raticate.'

'The trial guide told us that it depended on who was stronger. He said the sunne pokémon was stronger today?' Ash answered.


After the call with Ash, Crystal said that Serena and Hannah were invited to her home when they reached Slateport.

'We should go as soon as possible then!' Serena said. Swablu flew around her head excitedly.

Hannah hugged her two friends. 'I agree! We should check we have everything first, then we should leave!'

The three of them made sure they had everything they needed, and stocked up on food in the markets. Then the took the route south, and started to head to Slateport.


When they were walking in a forest, Hannah stopped.

'What's wr-?' Crystal started to say, but Hannah quickly covered her mouth.

She made a 'sh!' face, and quietly crept into the forest. Serena and Crystal followed.

They made their way to a small clearing, where a small brown creature was trying to get a berry from a tree. Little did the pokémon know, there was a Beedrill waiting for the creature to jump.

'It's an Eevee.' Crystal whispered. Serena saw that she was right, the creature was definitely an Eevee, with its bushy tail, and big, brown eyes.

Hannah quietly took out a pokéball and threw it. Her Arcanine appeared. 'Flamethrower.' She whispered.

Arcanine sent a spurt of hot flames to hit the Beedrill, who flew away with fear. Unfortunately, the Eevee ran away too, but only hid behind a bush. Hannah picked a berry off the tree, and crouched by the bush Eevee was hiding in.

'I'm not going to hurt you, Eevee.' She assured. 'I just wanted to get that nasty Beedrill away from you. Here you are.' Hannah placed the berry by the bush, and waited.

Serena felt a wave of déjà vu wash over her as the Eevee cautiously crept to where the berry sat. It started to eat the berry.

'Is that a nice berry Eevee?' The normal pokémon nodded. 'That's good. You know what Eevee? I think we could be good friends.'

The Eevee finished the berry, and looked at Hannah expectantly for another. The brunette laughed, and got another berry for Eevee, but this time holding it in her hand. Eevee gave her a scathing look, and Hannah laughed again. 'Oh yes. Very good friends.' Serena and Crystal laughed.

Eevee started to creep closer, tempted by the berry. It started to eat the fruit, but coiled back when Hannah tried to pet it. She quickly apologized, and the normal type resumed eating it.

When Eevee was done, it ran into the forest. 'Eevee?' Hannah called. 'I guess its gone.'

'Maybe it'll do what my Sylveon did?' Crystal offered. 'It followed me before I caught it.'

Hannah shrugged. 'It doesn't matter. At least I helped it.' She stood up, but she could hear something. Rustling. 'Eevee?'

The Eevee was back, but this time it held a small leaf in its mouth. Hannah knew what it wanted immediately, but Serena and Crystal were confused.

'You want to come with us?' Eevee let go of the leaf and nodded. Hannah got a pokéball from her bag, and held it in her hand.

Eevee dove into the ball. It shook once, then pinged. Hannah beamed, and let Eevee out of the pokéball immediately.

'Why did Eevee have a leaf in its mouth?' Serena asked.

Hannah grinned. 'You'll see.'

HEY. Welcome to my new updating schedule! I will be posting every Saturday (my time). Since I start school next Wednesday, I won't have enough time to write. I have some chapters stocked up. No, I'm not going to post them earlier. 

Since I'm a cool person *sarcasm* I have a Twitter. It's the same as my Wattpad account (hangr2003). I'm gonna try posting (tweeting? idc) more. Yeah. Go follow me.

QOTD: What eeveelution types would you like to see in the future? I would like to see them in all types, but Ghost and Dragon would be really cool

Don't forget to vote and comment :D

Hannah <3

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