Chapter 16

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1D Video Diary Week 8 is on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



301. “Niall gives the best hugs!” –Harry Styles

302. “Harry also once poured tea on Niall’s crotch and it looked like he’d wet himself. If you fall asleep, something will happen to you…” –Louis Tomlinson

303. “Harry’s a cleaning freak and Louis is really messy. When we’re in a hotel, Harry cleans his part of the room two or three times, but Louis doest clean his at all.” –Liam Payne

304. When asked “What’s one thing you can’t live without?” Louis replied, “My Mum.”

305. When asked “What’s one thing you can’t live without?” Harry replied, “My phone.”

306. When asked “What’s one thing you can’t live without?” Niall replied, “Sleep.”

307. When asked “What’s one thing you can’t live without?” Zayn replied, “Chicken.”

308. When asked “What’s one thing you can’t live without?” Liam replied, “My hair products.”

309. Zayn used to eat paper all the time when he was younger.

310. Liam loves neck kissing.

311. Harry and Louis share an apartment because Harry is under 18 and Louis is his guardian.

312. When the boys were inIreland, Harry spent the whole time putting on a fake Irish accent.

313. Niall’s favorite film is Taken.

314. If Harry is really interested in a fan, he asks for her name, twitter and says “I love you” first before they leave.

315. Niall thinks that the best things about him are that he is a good laugh, honest, and generous.

316. Harry is afraid to get a girlfriend because he doesn’t want to hurt the fans.

317. Niall didn’t realize how many fans they had until they went on tour.

318. Harry says that a romantic thing he’d do for a girl is write her a song.

319. Louis says that he’s not very good at playing hard to get.

320. Harry always bites two of the Twix bars at the same time because he doesn’t want the other Twix to get lonely.

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