Chapter 49

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Only one more chapter after this!!! =(


961. Out of the whole band, only Louis knows how to cart wheel.

962. Zayn’s new tattoo represents a charity for autistic children.

963. Harry and Louis broke  a bowling lane in NYC because they threw three bowling balls down it.

964. They boys said Harry’s bad habits are that he steals peoples food, snores loudly, sleeps with his mouth open, and tries to sleep on you.

965. Liam: I really like Legos. It’s embarrassing, but David Beckham builds Legos too!

966. When Niall was little, he was attacked by a pigeon while he was on the toilet. (How does that actually happen? Did the bathroom he was in not have a roof?) Because of that he now has a fear of birds.

967. Niall: I love Demi. I’d like to be working with her in the future.

                Harry: Working with her in what kind of way Niall?

968. Harry thinks tall girls are hot and short girls are cute.

969. Louis: The day Niall shares his food with a girl, we’ll know she’s right for him.

970. Zayn’s guilty pleasure is chocolate.

971. Harry and Louis have matching friendship bracelets.

972. Harry wants to have 3 kids when he’s older and married.

973. When Niall was 5, he got “married” on a school playground. His friends gave him a special ceremony.

974. Harry thinks the sexiest color a girl can wear is green.

975. One the first day of school, Niall cried because his mum left him all alone.

976. Louis hacked Eleanor’s Twitter and tweeted, “I love Barney the Dinosaur.”

977. Niall has a bra collection from all the bras that female directioners throw at him.

978. The first single off their next album is rumored to be called “Heartbreaker.”

979. If Liam became a cannibal and had to eat one member of the band, he’d eat Zayn.

980. Zayn came in 5th in the Top 20 World’s Sexiest Men in a recent poll by the Sum Newspaper, and Niall came in 6th.

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