Chapter 7

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Then I was pushed.

I fall into the hallway surrounded by loud teenagers. Oh my gosh! I'm half naked!

I look back-to my surprised it wasn't Jaxon who pushed me. But Caleb. What-Caleb?!

I was sprawled up on the school hall with my towel very close to falling off my body. Everyone was silent, staring at me. No, no, no.

I quickly got up clutching my towel so close to my body. I saw the guys staring at me with lust in their eyes. While, the girls glared or laughed.

Suddenly a strong arm wrapped around my waist pulling me back. Then my feet were off the ground. I was being carried *bridal style*. I looked up to see Jaxon with a clenched jaw.

He looked pissed.

Everyone was staring, unbelievably. The boys look like their undressing me with their eyes. Pervs.

"What the fuck are you staring at?!" Jaxon shouted angrily. Now, everyone averted their eyes somewhere other then me.


He carried me all the way back to the girls locker room.

It is just me and Jaxon.

"Where's your clothes?" Jaxon asked giving me a tensed glare.

"Oh, I don't know...your the one that threw 'em around the school!" I shouted obviously.

He rolled his eyes. Just then Matthew came. "Matthew do you have my clothes?" I asked shyly. He nodded back awkwardly.

He brought them outta his shirt and was going to hand them to me but Jaxon snatched them from him.

"Great. Now get out!" Jaxon said blocking my almost naked body from Matthew pointing to the door.

I heard Matthew's footsteps then the door shut.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I said from behind his back because his body was still blocking me.

Jaxon turned around and stepped closer to me and I stepped back. He stepped closer and before I can step back, he grabbed my waist and brought me to him. I tried pushing him but he didn't even move. He just gripped me tighter.

He pushed us to the wall and put both his hands beside my head. Trapping me. I'm still in my freaking towel!

"Move, Jaxon." I said trying to push him but he didn't budge. He didn't move one bit.

I struggled to move far away from him but his body was so tightly pressed to mine. Me, only meeting his height barely to his chest. I've always felt very short around him. With Caleb I was always under his chin.

Wait-did Caleb actually push me into the halls on purpose? No. It must of been on accident.

"You know..I didn't like that." Jaxon says bringing me outta my thoughts. I looked up at him confused. I was nervous of being so close to him. I've only been close to Caleb.

Then, I remembered he pulled one of his tricks on me as usual so I turned my anger back.

"Yeah? Well, I don't like how your so close to me. Haven't you heard of personal space?" I said annoyed. He just stared at me. His grey eyes piercing into my blue ones.

I was scared. My response just made him angrier then he was before. I have always found Jaxon intimidating, but of course I'd never admit him that.

Instead of moving and giving me space, he just presses his body more into mine, squishing my chest against his. He gives me a glare. I gladly return it.

"I actually like this position." he says smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't. Get away." I say trying to push him away from me but it was useless.

"The way all the guys..stared at you.." He clenches his jaw. He seriously looks like he wants to murder someone. I look away, not wanting to look scared of him.

But I was.

I can feel his intense stare at me, while I look at the ground. Why does he care? He hates me! I hate him! End of story.

He grabs my chin and lifts it up, making me look at him. "Especially that Matthew guy." he scoffs. "He's all over you. Trying to go on a date with you, holding your hand." He looks down at my hand.

"Why do you care? It's none of your business anyway." I scoffed.

"I'm surprised anyone finds you attractive. I mean, look at you. All I see is a slut." He says in disgust.

A slut?! This is my first date!

I feel a knot in my stomach and tears wanting to come out.

I hate him. I'm NO FUCKING SLUT! He's always with girls. That man whore! Calling ME a slut?!

"I'm a fucking slut?! You shouldn't be talking, man whore! Every girl you see, all you wanna do is fuck her! Well, FUCK YOU!" I shout.

I gain all my strength and push him off. I was furious. He has the nerve to call me a slut but he's the one always fucking around. First he's saying that he doesn't like guys looking at me..then he calls me a slut?!

I speed walk to my clothes on the bench and go into a changing room. I put my jeans and a black crop top on with my converse. I'm so mad but at the same time I just wanna go home and cry into my pillow.

I walk outta the changing room but I'm met with Jaxon's chest.

I bumped into his chest. Great. How cliche.

I push him back, but he has other ideas. Before I have time to escape, he pins my wrists above my head. A gasp escapes by mouth as I look up at Jaxon.

His eyes are so cold and dark. His face shows no emotion. Nothing. I can't tell what he's thinking.

"What the hell Jaxon? Get off me!" I shout and attempt to pull my arms down but to no avail.

He doesn't though but instead leans in.


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