Chapter 29

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I woke up in Caleb's bed.

Caleb's arm was lazily draped over my waist as he slept, snoring. I poked him repeatedly, just for fun. He looked like a cute little baby.

I was still kinda mad at him for leaving me alone with his brother.


Caleb whispered. His soft sleepy eyes on me. I smiled sheepishly.

Hopefully he diddnt catch me staring.

"We should go to our famous pancake house" I tell him.

"Yeah totally!" Caleb beams


"I'll have the chocolate chip pancakes, ooh add whipcream and strawberries too!" I say

"And you sir?"

I roll my eyes at her flirty attempt.

"I'll have the strawberry filling pancakes with whipcream and white chocolate chips and add colorful sprinkles too!" Caleb says

The woman giggles. "Quite an appetite you have sir" she winks and walks away, adding too much hip, if you ask me.

But no one asked me. So yeah.

When I look at Caleb, hes already looking at me. He stares at me a few seconds before he snaps out of it and smiles at me.

But I just couldn't help but notice how he looked at me. I ignore that little voice in my head and grin back. "So, have you heard from our parents?" I ask

Caleb scoffs and shakes his head.

"Nope. Too busy getting drunk I guess." He says

"Well at least their having fun."

The food came after a while as we were laughing hard because Caleb spilled his milkshake all over him.

The waitress glared at me every time I would make Caleb laugh. "Oh jeez remember when milk squirted outta my nose because i laughed so hard?" Caleb said.

"Remember? That was just the other day, Caleb!" I laughed

"Oh yeah" he realizes


Caleb convinced me to go hiking- even though I hate anything that has to do with exercise but he said there's a hidden lake at the end.

So why not.

It was pretty foggy and cold. I complained all the way, climbing up but Caleb just laughed at me.

"Come on we're a- Ow!"

Caleb's screams were muffled by dirt in his mouth. He tripped. I laughed my ass off when he cradled himself on the dirt path before he screamed at me. "Help me up!"

"Oh, oops!"

I helped him up, which was kinda hard because he put all his weight on me and I almost fell myself. "I'm injured and you laugh! Your so mean." He pouts like a child.

I was about to hug him but his mood changed really quickly to excited and he pointed behind me. "Look it's the river!"

Turning around, I saw the most beautiful sight in front of me. The lake was clear and so big. Fog was surrounding it, making it pretty.

Caleb ran to it but soon turned around sharply with a big grin on his face. Like he just thought of something amazing-or evil.

I raised my eyebrows, curiously. "What?" I asked

"Why dont we try Like- I dont know..Skinny dipping?!"

I narrowed my eyes but Caleb just grinned. He started taking his clothes off. Slowly. Widening my eyes, I watched.

But soon as I did, I noticed what I was doing and turned around covering my eyes. "Caleb, what are you doing? This is so not-"

But he cut me off by a big splash.

I turned back around just in time for him swimming back up. He waved at me and laughed.

"Come on Julie. No one is here, have a little fun. I wont even look."

I sighed. I guess I have a little fun...

"Okay fine. Turn around." I said

Caleb did as he was told. I quickly stripped outta my clothes. I jumped straight into the lake, making a huge splash. I made my way back up to see Caleb's bare ass. I shrieked and dunked my head back underwater.

Caleb pulled me back up as he laughed hysterically. "Sorry, I was trying to do a handstand but it's too deep." He chuckled, making me blush.

"Idiot" I laughed

He blushed. I noticed our bodies were close to each other.

Looking up, Caleb was already staring at me with that look. We both sobered up from our giggles. I looked straight into his eyes as he was doing the same to mine. We were both panting and I didn't notice that I took a step forward.

What am I doing?

Before I even had anything to process, soft gentle lips were on mine. My best friend is kissing me.

And I was kissing back.

Sorry last chapter I did a mistake. I forgot Jaxon still had her phone so I will fix when she goes in the uber.

-fixed it.

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