Chapter 16

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~Caleb King~

I watched as Jaxon had a evil smirk and took out a camera that was hidden in the corner.

Juliana's eyes widen and looked like she was scolding herself for not looking more carefully before taping a STD positive test on his locker.

I have to do something. So, I plan out my brilliant idea in my head and run to full speeding.

I would do anything for Juliana. Even if I have to tackle my brother to the floor, for a camera.

Jax pushes a button on the camera and before I know it....he flips me over! I hit my back on the cold hard floor of the school halls and groan.

Well I tried.

Jaxon looks down at me with a bored look and proceeds on looking at the camera in his hand.

So I did the most rational thing I could...

I tripped him.

I gathered all my strength and shot my left leg up and kicked the back of his legs. He tripped backwards while the camera smashed on the floor. I heard gasps and whispering.

Jaxon groaned in pain but then once he realized his 'played out plan' was ruined by the camera smashing, he rolled over (where I was still laying) and grabbed my shoulders roughly.

"What the fuck was that?!" He shouted and slammed my shoulders down hard on the floor.

*gasps around*

"I-I was.."

Think of something to say stupid!

"I just-I had nudes on that camera!" I all but shouted.

Nudes?! That's what pops into your head under pressure? With everyone from school around like nosy cows?!

Jaxon scoffs and lets my shoulders go, while I hit the back of my head on the floor. He gets up and kicks one of the lockers furiously.

"FUCK!" He shouted. Everyone flinched from his harsh voice and scattered away like mice.

"Oh my gosh, Caleb. You okay?" Juliana leans over my body, still laying on the floor. Looking concerned for me, she helped me up.

I groan painfully and dramatically lean on her shoulder. Matthew chuckles and we head to my car.

But before we exit the building Juliana is pulled back. I almost fell from not leaning on her no more. Matthew and I looked back.

No other then my asshole of a brother had her forearm in his grip. His icy glare towards us.

-You know, I actually don't know why he's like that. I mean, how mean and cold he is. He even has anger issues. My mother is the sweetest person I know-okay fine she's not exactly nice but she's not a cold hearted person.

Unlike her son *cough, cough Jax*

My dad? My dad wasn't like that either. I may have not known dad that good since he died when I was barely a kid but i never once heard him yell. He had grey eyes, just like mine and Jax, but they were always warm.

I mean i even have lighter eyes then Jax. He has some dark grey eyes. A storm in them maybe.

I watch as Julie tries to get her arm back but Jax doesn't let go. He just keeps glaring at Matthew, while Matthew fidgets with his sweater. I clear my voice to get his attention.

But he cuts me off.

"I'm taking Juliana home with me, she'll see you later, at the house." Jax says and glares at Julie on the last part.

If I could..I would say no.

Then he drags her somewhere, leaving me and Matt to miss her presence.

I know Matt likes Julie- I mean who wouldn't? She's adorable but...that only makes me in competition with him.

"So, I'll talk to you tomorrow" Matt says adding a small smile then leaves.

Am I always going to be left alone?


Jeez. Poor Caleb always saves the day but is always left alone.

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