Chapter 20

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                  ~CALEB KING~

Today I plan on making Juliana's day. I know yesterday must have been cruel for her, especially since she had to see Jaxon's face.


Okay so I know I will regret this later but...I'm taking her shopping. I'll pay for every piece of clothing she wants but she pays the food. Hey! I'm no billionaire or anything.

I tried talking to her yesterday on the phone but she never answered so I just can't wait to hear the stupid things my brother said to her.


"Caleb do you think it looks good?"
Asked Juliana twirling around in a white dress that ends a little above her knees but low cut in front.

Everything looks good on you...


Okay that was Not me!

I turn around, annoyed. Jaxon has said 'No' to everything Julie has tried on. I did not invite him-actually no one did. He saw me going with julie to the mall and decided 'he'd go too.'

What an ass.

"I didn't ask you" Julie says annoyed

"The dress looks ugly on you" Jaxon shrugged

"Wait. No, don't listen to him. My brother just doesn't know style." I tried to assure calmly.

"What are you gay?"


"Guys stop fighting. Your gonna get us kicked out!" Juliana went in the middle of us.

"I don't give a shit. Let 'pretty boy' here answer the question." Jaxon smirked amused.

-"I mean come on, has he even made one move on you Juliana? It was his idea to come to the mall. I don't have anything wrong with him being gay I just need a clarification." Jaxon added

He knows exactly why I haven't made a move. That dipshit.

Juliana had a uncertain look on her face as she stared at me, waiting for an answer. Jaxon looked amused.

Juliana is probably questioning it too, since whenever a girl gives me their number i never call them. But I have her. I have Juliana. Especially that day she came outta the shower and I just left without another glance at her.

That was a hard day.

"Well we're waiting" Jaxon taunted

"Jaxon, just leave him alone"

"No. Let him talk. You can't always save him, Juliana." Jaxon said..but it sounded like there was another meaning in his words.

What was that?

"I'm not gay, Alright. I just wanted Julie to have a good time today but since you came..." I trailed off

Jaxon glared "Listen here F-"

"Okay I'm leaving" Julie interrupted

"No your f-"

Jaxon started but got cut off with a hard shove behind him. Well- I think it was meant for it to be harsh but Jax didn't even stumble forward.

We all looked behind him, curious of who would actually mess with him. I slightly widened my eyes and (I know Julie did too) at four huge scary guys.

They looked huge- to me and julie though- because Jax was way taller than them. I was always kinda jealous of my brothers height and muscular he was. I should go to the gym more.

All four of the guys glared at Jax. But Jaxon just looked unfazed .

After, they looked down to me and Julie with a confused face. I saw something flash in Jaxons eyes. He looked kinda worried.

But that quickly faded and he had an amused face. "Robert, Samuel, Jayden, and the pussy who owes me money." Jaxon stated

How does my brother know these guys? These guys are probably in a gang. And they owe Jax money?

Jaxon looks down at Juliana with an unknown emotion. I just can't describe how he looks at her.

"Why don't you idiots go somewhere else hmm?" Jaxon said but more like a demand if you ask me.

Me and Juliana rolled our eyes but with a curious glint, walked off. Once we left to an erea where they can't hear us, Julie turned around.

"What do you think that was about?" She asked curiously, tapping her chin.

Too cute.

"Who knows. And who cares." I shrugged but I was also very curious.

She stopped and looked wide eyed behind me. I turned around to see Jaxon and the four guys fighting....

Someone pulled a gun out.


Hey guys. Hoped you liked this chapter. Already on the next...

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