Chapter 32

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-I love reading you guys comments.


I told Caleb about Jaxons return and the phone call I 'overheard'. We both just insisted on movie night.

I went to the shower and stripped out of my clothes, getting a glimpse of myself in my long mirror. Big red handmarks were on my butt and one on my thigh.

It looked like bruises were forming and it stung like hell. Jaxons long shirt layed on my floor along with my panties.

Trying to ease the pain, I put the shower to cold water.


I limped downstairs and took a deep breath, putting a smile on my face before I opened the door.

Caleb rushed inside holding a huge black gym back, carrying it with both hands. I stared amusingly.

"Um what is that?" I point to the bag, coming closer to the couch where he set it at.

He unzips the big bag and grins sheepishly gesturing for me to look inside. Big Spoons, 8 tubs of ice cream, and a whole stack of different movies were in there.

A huge smile took over my face and I giggled excitedly.


"Caleb, my stomach hurts."

"Ughh mine too." He groans

After eating all the tubs of icecream, we jumped on my bed and ran around the whole house like little kids.

Now we are both really regretting eating all that icecream. We layed dead on the floor in my room with a stomach ache.

"Why did you avoid talking about our kiss?" Caleb suddenly blurts out.

I tensed. I wasn't expecting him to question me about that. I didn't know what to say.

Should I tell him the truth?

Caleb rolled on his side, facing me.

"Juliana? I'm sorry, I just-"

"No, you should know the truth."

I didn't turn on my side to face him, but kept staring at the ceiling. He stayed silent, waiting for me to continue.

"The truth is..I liked the kiss. But I was too scared to talk about it and ruin our friendship. I didn't know if you thought it was a mistake or-" He didn't let me finish my rambling and before I knew it, his soft lips were prest against mine.

I kissed back as much passionately as he was, already forgetting our stomach aches. The kiss was so gentle and loving that I thought I was dreaming. But I wasnt.

Caleb hovered over me as I lay against my carpeted floor. He cupped my cheek as I tangled my fingers in his golden soft brown hair, pulling him closer.

We were so into our passionate kiss that we didn't hear footsteps coming up the stairs and into my room.

"Juliana we're hom- *gasp*

We immediately pushed away from each other and stared wide eyed at the door.

My mother and father both stood with the same shocked expressions on their face.

Me and Caleb were just caught kissing by my parents.

"So you both are in a...relationship?" My mother asked once again. She stared back and forth at us sitting on the couch in front of her and my dad.

I groaned and ran a hand down my face getting more frustrated then I should be. Caleb sat right next to me keeping his eyes on the floor, letting me do all the explaining.

"That's wonderful!" She screeched

All of our heads snapped up to my mother (including my dad) with a confused look.

"What do you mean honey?" My dad asked putting his hand on my moms shoulder, cautiously.

"Well I know that other cute son of your mother's, was always protective of Julie but I knew it would always be you Caleb." She said

She beamed with happiness and got up from the couch opposite to us and practically skipped our way.

"I always knew you two would end up together. Your both just the cutest. Wait till I tell your mom, Caleb she will already be planning your wedding!" She says

I widened my eyes, not expecting that answer from her. I look sideways to see Caleb listening to her with a grin on his face.

I smack his arm. "Caleb!"

"I knew you since you were just a kid, but If you hurt my daughter, I'll hurt you." My dad threatened

"Dad we aren't to-"

"I will never hurt my Julie" Caleb interrupts my sentence.

My Julie..

I couldn't help but blush from his words. I choked on my own words to deny anything and just blushed.

"Okay but now, no closed doors. Dont want anyone getting pregnant" my parents say sternly and pointing looks at me.

"Mom, dad!" I shout embarrassed

They laugh and I see Caleb's cheeks turning a tint of red.

We should probably just date since they think we already are.

But that wont happen. As long as Jaxon is controlling and claiming me as his that will never happen.

And in all honesty I like our friendship as is. But I cant help but feel like going deeper.

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