Chapter 41

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Why was Jaxon being so nice? I still dont forgive him though.

Yesterday right after the movie ended with me laughing and him almost smiling he carried me back up to his room and we slept.

Of course he didn't let me sleep in another room so we slept on the same bed. Even after I strictly told him to not pass his side of the bed, I woke up with his arms wrapped around me tightly.

Now, I lay on top of his chest with his big arm around me, I can't even move because he just holds me tighter.

Out of boredom from laying here for an hour, even though I've tried waking him up, I just trace my finger over his fascinating tattoos.

Different pictures of Crowns and interesting images and words are written on his skin. It makes me curious of all this stuff he has permanently on him.


Well his last name, but why write your last name on your skin?

Strange numbers are inked on his hands and words I dont understand. Some words I figured are in Italian. Designs are covered all over his body. Leaving no part of skin clean of ink.

"I'll tell you about these one day, amore" His deep rough voice startles me.

So they do mean something..

"So what do-" Jaxon starts but is cut off by his phone ringing. He growled and snatched the phone off the nightstand.

"Che cazzo vuoi ?!" He snaps

(What the fuck do you want?)

"Cazzo ci sarò in 15" he says after I hear a rushed panic voice behind the phone.

(Fuck I'll be there in 15)

Jaxon hangs up quickly and gets up from the bed, gently placing me back to the place he was just at.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly

He comes out with a black expensive suit on with his black hair gelled back instead of the messy bed hair he had a few minutes ago, making him seem more mature and more frightening and comes straight to me with his jaw clenched.

"I need you to stay in here. Got it?" He says sternly, grabbing my chin.

"But we have school and since you're not going, I am." I argue and lean my head back to release my chin from his grip.

"Your gonna fucking stay in here until I come back. Understand Jul?" He shouted angrily

I looked down to my lap but whimpered loudly as he grabbed the back of my hair pulling my head up to look at him.

"Do you not fucking hear me? You're staying here until I come back. Understand?!" He growled

"Okay!" I cried out trying to release his fingers out of my hair.

He gave one harsh tug to get his message straight and kissed me briefly on the lips before releasing my hair and running out the room, slamming the door shut.

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