Chapter 48

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                 Juliana Thorne

I felt a hand brushing my hair back and being layed on a soft bed.  I squirmed as I felt small kisses being peppered on my face and neck. A deep chuckle resonated throughout the room.

"Goodnight beautiful."


"Mm stop it." I groan and try to push the hands off me.

"Wake up love, I made breakfast for you." A deep voice said.

I tried turning my body around but I was securely in Jaxons warm arms. He chuckled from my squirming and light feathery kisses started on my face.

"I'm not hungry." I grumble and snuggle more into the warm pillow.

"Aww your so cute." I heard him mumble. I now fully awake when I realize I'm not cuddling into the pillow but into Jaxons chest.

I shriek and try to jump out of bed but he holds me more tightly to him and laughs. "Let me go, right now." I order

But to my disappointment he keeps laughing and mumbles how cute I am to be giving him orders.

I gasp as I'm lifted off the bed in Jaxons arms and my legs wrapped around his waist. He walks to the kitchen and sits me on a chair.

"I'll serve you, just stay there." He sternly says and gets two plates. I wait for him and smell the amazing aroma of food.

I squeak as I was lifted up for a few seconds and brought back down to his lap. I blush when he holds a bacon to my mouth. I try to grab the bacon from him but he gives me a stern look. I give up and open my mouth to take it.

I moan from how good it tasted. His grip around my waist tightens but I give no attention and continue eating the bacon he fed me. I hear him groan and I raise my head to look up at him but quickly duck in embarrassment as he stares at me intensely.

"You're mine." He says and kisses my lips with so much affection.

After we were done eating, he picked our plates up and washed them as I went into the closet and picked out jeans and a simple shirt. My hair wasn't as frizzy today, so I was kinda having a good hair day.

(Guys please don't drag me for that, cause I do not have curly hair but just go on with it.)

I was excited to finally go back home and see my parents. I was done dealing with Jaxons shit. I didn't hear Jaxon come in the room as I was looking in the mirror, trying to cover the hickeys.

He came from behind me and wrapped his thick arms around my waist as he put his head in my neck. Jaxon pushed my curls aside with a smirk as I glared at him.

I spent so much time fixing my hair so I can cover the hickeys. Just for him to ruin it.

"Here, it's yours." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a brand new phone, handing it to me.

"Wow it's so nice, thanks." I said and turned around in his arms, looking at my new phone.

"Can your boyfriend get a kiss?" He smirks smugly and points at his cheek. My face turns beet red and I lower my head, so he cant see.

It sounds so weird hearing it from him.

He chuckles and grabs my jaw, bringing my face up to kiss his lips, I went on my tipey toes and peck them blushing. He holds my jaw more tight and kisses me more deeply. I tried to raise my head more high, to kiss back but since I'm so short compared to him, it was hard.

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