14 year old Jaxon

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Jaxon was excited, he was going to see his blue eyed beauty soon. But what he wasn't expecting was to see her in a little white dress,outside her house catching all the little boys attention.

Including his.

He stormed up to her and grabbed her by the forearm, dragging her back inside her house.

Once inside her room she looked up at him with confusion written on her perfect face. "Jaxon what's wrong?" She asked softly

Unusually, she wasn't fiesty towards him today.

'Strange'. He thought suspiciously

"Your mom let you wear that dress?!" Jaxon asked unbelievably

Juliana looked down at her pretty white dress that infact her mom picked out for a cover up for her bathing suit underneath. Since they are going to beach anyway.

"Where is Caleb?" She suddenly thought unintentionally avoiding his questions.

As on cue Caleb comes walking through her bedroom door. Jaxon now regrets not locking the door.

"Julie! We're going to the beach together!" Caleb beamed

Juliana jumped up excitedly and ran to her best friend, taking hold of his soft hands with a huge smile.

"Yay! Where is your bathing suit?" She asked looking down at his shorts and shirt with a frown.

"I dont wear a bathing suit silly!" Caleb chuckles.

"Bathing suits are for girls but your right angel, Caleb where is yours?" Jaxon smirked trying to tease his brother instead of punching him.

"Not funny Jax." Caleb scowls

Jaxon notices Julianas pout and had a sudden urge to kiss her soft plump pink lips.

"Dont fight boys." She said

Jaxon chuckled at her little demand and saw Caleb looking at her with a unknown look, like if he was seeing Juliana for the first time.

Just when Jaxon was going to rip his angel away from his little brother his mom called him downstairs.

Caleb and Juliana stayed in the room, much to Jaxons dislike, but went downstairs to see what his annoying mother had to say this time.

"What mom?" He asked impatiently and rudely.

She ignored her sons rude behavior and just smiled. "I can take you to your friends house n-"

"-I'm not going anymore."

Veronica's face held surprise and a little suspicion. Her son was yelling at her not that long ago that he wanted to go to his friends because he didn't want to hang out with 'lame' people.

"Oh your coming to the beach now?" She asked

Caleb and Juliana came down talking rather loudly. Jaxon looked over at a giggling Juliana and stared intently at her.

"Yes" he said not taking his eyes off her friends little cute daughter.

Veronica stared knowingly how much danger was coming if her son was going to be like her late husband. She could just hope Jaxon wont be like his father.

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