Chapter 38

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I chuckled down at her, rubbing my thumb over her soft plump bottom lip.

She thought she had a choice, cute.

I ripped off my brothers shirt from her body and instead put mine over her but not before admiring my handiwork.

Gotcha pretty bad, didn't I? My fingers traced over my mark on her neck that is now purple.

I smiled down, loving my mark on her. She looks too good with it.- I laugh. I look back at my weak valunable little brother limp on the ground, from my doing.

I grin

Picking my unconscious girl in my arms, I call the ambulance- cant have my brother dying now do I? I got plans for him that he wont get out of so easily.

Going downstairs quickly I gently place Juliana into the backseat of my car and ran to my side speeding off. I put my shades on and look through the rear view mirror, seeing the ambulance.


It was already late and I knew she wasn't going to wake up till tomorrow. We were almost at my own personal house but I needed to stop for gas.

Pulling up, there were only a bit of people here so I decided it would be fine to just leave her alone for a minute to go inside the store.

I kissed her forehead and locked the car before I got out and went inside to pay. I got a few snacks and paid for gas as this ugly bitch tried flirting with me.

"Oh baby would you like to play? I can tell your stressed and I'm really good at making people feel good." She purrs disgustedly

"Nah I'm good, dont want no saggy tits on me. Find some old fucker to play with." I said and walked out not giving a fuck if I hurt her feelings or not.

Anger bursts in me as I see a boy trying to open my car door and looking inside, at my babygirl.

"What the fuck do you think your doing kid?!" I shout angrily storming up to him ready to knock his teeth out.

"A girl is unconscious in there! I was just checking if she was okay." He says like hes concerned.

I grab the collar of his shirt and lift him up to my height. His feet dangle in the air as he tries to get down. Fear quickly replaced his concerned ass and he gulped.

"I-Im sorry sir but um I was j-just checking if the g-" he stutters pathetically in front of me.

"I dont give a fuck what you were doing but dont ever stare at my girl again, understood?"

He gulps again but nods quickly.

I drop his scrawny ass to the ground and open the car door to start driving again.

I should have killed him...

Sorry short chapter. :/

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