Chapter 46

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   Juliana Thorne

I lay on my stomach with Jaxons heavy arm still wrapped around me. After what happened, I cried and he told me to go to sleep. I have never even got whooped by my own parents and to say Jaxon spanked me is so humiliating.

I groaned irritatedly how I cant even move with his big ass arm weighing me down and my butt hurts so bad. I didn't even do anything but tell him the truth, that I really do hate him.

"Jaxon.." I whined for the hundredth time already.

I didn't have any sleep last night especially with the uncomfortable position. At some point I almost fainted from how tight Jaxon squeezed the life outta me.

"Its too early for fucks sake." Jaxon groaned irritatedly.

"I have to pee." I rolled my eyes but thankfully he didn't see that.

A deep groan rumbles from him and he let's his tight hold loose around me.

I carefully got up from the bed. He glared at me as I made my way into the bathroom.

I did my business and washed my face from the sleepiness. My eyes were puffy from all the crying yesterday and my hair is a mess.

Yesterday while I layed on the bed with a snoring Jaxon beside me, I thought about everything.

Maybe if I listen to Jaxon he wont be harsh with me. Maybe he'll even think I'm too boring and leave me alone. I want to see Caleb..

"Juliana get out." A pounding on the door brings me outta my thoughts. I quickly dry my face and open the door.

Jaxon towers over my small height with his arms crossed, making him look more intimidating. His grey eyes stare me down waiting for me to say something.

"Um what?" I ask innocently.

He just rolls his eyes and pushes past me inside his bathroom and closes the door. I roll my eyes and sit on his large bed.

"I'm taking you to school but I have business to deal with so I'll pick you up after school." Jaxon said as he walked back into the room, dressed.

I got happy, a day without Jaxon. I tried containing my smile but I think Jaxon saw it because he narrowed his dark eyes at me.

"I'm sending my bodyguards with you." He said blankly. My smile faltered and a full frown took over now.

"But don't you need them?" I asked trying to slyly convince him to take them instead.

"You're more important babe." He said and cupped my cheeks. He kissed my forehead then my lips.

"Come on, get changed." He picked me up from his bed and took me to a huge closet filled with female clothes, my size.

How could I have not seen this?

"You looked so adorable in my clothes so, I didn't tell you." He pintched my cheeks. I grumbled under my breath and looked around the huge selection of clothes. Expensive brands and the nice smell described the room.

I picked a cute top with flowers on it and black shorts with white vans. I looked into the long mirror and happily beamed at how good my outfit looked.

But something quickly caught my attention. I can see a dark bruise almost out from my shorts on my thigh and hickeys on my neck. I looked around for makeup.

Nothing. I found different perfumes and hair accessories but no makeup. I was angry.

"Are you ready love?" Jaxon asked walking in. He checked me out, from my long legs to my face. But he chuckled as he saw my scowl.

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