Chapter 17-Childhood Memory

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Little Juliana was happily skipping to the lunch room, very eager to eat that cookie her mother had put into her lunch today. She and Caleb had agreed to meet at their table they always sit at. Juliana just hoped his older brother didn't come like last time.

Caleb's brother, for some unknown reason did not like Juliana. He would make sure no one talked to her-well except for Caleb. She felt a presence behind her and thought of Caleb.

Instead a little boy with big round glasses tapped on little Juliana's shoulder and smiled brightly at her once she turned around. She has never seen him before but she was taught to always be polite. So she smiled back, exposing her dimple.

The little boy was holding a trey of food and looked down shyly. "H-Hi I'm Daniel. I-I was wondering if I can s-sit with you?" The little brown haired boy stuttered shyly at her.

Juliana thought about it but gasped as his body suddenly was pushed to the floor roughly. His food going everywhere and stained his white button up shirt. Daniel laid on the floor, with frightened eyes, looked up.

Caleb's older brother stood tall (taller then anyone in the kindergarten) He glared at the weak, fragile little boy who was on the ground  with teary eyes. "Go away and never talk to us again Nerd."

Daniel sobbed quietly and stood up. He ran out of the lunch room without a second glance. Juliana was scared of Jaxon at that moment. Her eyes started getting teary and she didn't have an appetite anymore. Jaxon turned around and stared at a frightened Juliana.

He sat down right next to her, too close actually. He kept staring at Juliana while she looked down at her food. Jaxon felt like he needed to comfort her. So he did the only thing he thought...he hugged poor little Juliana.

He wrapped his two arms around the fragile little girl. Juliana sobbed into Jaxon's T-shirt while he planted a small possessive kiss on her forehead. After a few seconds Juliana remembered why she was crying in the first place. She tensed in Caleb's brothers arms.

She tried to pull back but Jaxon kept her secured in his arms. She again tried but he held on tighter and made an animalistic noise.

"Don't ever talk to other boys except me and Caleb" Jaxon demands stroking her curly hair. Juliana thought about what he said all day...

And wondered, 'Where's Caleb?'


Dang. Where was Caleb?

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