Chapter 47

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Caleb King          

"Your house is so big!" April shrieks and analyzes every single detail on the outside of my house.

I think about letting her in to see the inside but I have to look for that file and I don't even know where to start.

"Yeah my mom works very hard." I say and unbuckle my seatbelt.


"Sorry, but I really need to go. Thank you for the ride, April." I give her a smile and close the car door.

I walk straight to the door and knock since I dont know where I left my keys. Minutes passed and no one answered. I walked around to the back door, but its locked.

"Dammit" I put my face against the screen door and looked around the empty house. I sighed.

Ima have to do this the hard way.

I thought this would be easier. I have been trying to climb this stupid tree that leads up to my window but I cant, it's too hard.

But I dont give up easily, especially when it comes to Julie. I jumped to the nearest branch and swung from it until my feet stood up on another. Finally I was half ways.

"Um sweetie, why are you climbing a tree?" I heard my mom voice from down.

I was surprised that I was only a few feet up. I thought I was half way up now! I guess not.

"Honey please come down from there!" She yelled.

Once I was almost to the ground she helped me down. She hugged me and kissed my cheek. But once she saw my face, my real mother came out. "What the hell happened to your face?!" She growls

"Mom look-" I tried to calm her down but she wasn't having it.

"Hurry up get inside, we'll talk about it." She said and we walked inside the warm house.

We sat down in the living room on the couch. "Okay now tell me what happened, you better not leave a detail out Caleb." She said sternly

"I-I got attacked by a group of drunk mean men and they tried taking my phone and cash but I didn't give it to them and they beat me. I ended at the hospital and came here." I lied

"Oh my gosh! Did you tell your brother?!" My mom asked hysterically

"Wait-What No!" I said annoyed

"Why not honey, you know your brother would beat their asses! I know you and your brother-"

"-no mom, I dont want to tell him anything. I would rather get beat by gangsters then speaking to him." I mutter the last sentence

She looked at me in confusion but I just sighed. "Anyway, I'm a big boy and can handle myself. I don't need my ugly big brother to fix my problems." I grumble

"You should have called me, Caleb. Honey you can always call me when your in trouble, I will come rushing to you immediately. For now your on house arrest because I want you to heal those ugly wounds you have, they are just awful. I will take care of you." She said.

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