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Lucas' POV

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Lucas' POV

If anyone found out I worked at a coffee shop I would make that dorks life a living hell.
I paced up and down my bedroom, trying to figure out how to keep her quiet, it's not like I had anything on her. The shrimp never did shit.

"Lucas?" My mom knocked on my door but didn't wait for a response to open it. She poked her head in and smiled sadly, "are you alright?" I sighed and stopped pacing, "yeah mom, I'm fine, don't worry about me".
"I am worried about you" she frowned, "what's the matter?"
I knew if I told her she'd feel bad, she already hated that I worked just to keep the power on, I didn't want her to feel even worse that someone from school had seen me and I wasn't ok with it. It wasn't because I was embarrassed for my own stupid reputation, it was for my moms.

She already got enough judgement because of my dad as it was, that was the main reason she lost her job, her reputation was so bad, the primary school she worked at had to let her go.
"Nothing, I'm just stressed about my...homework" I lied.
"You? Stressed about homework? When did you start caring?" Mom asked folding her arms.

"I've always cared. I've just never really done much about it...until now".
"Mmh, you know I know you're lying right?"
"Wha-I'm not mom!" I walked over to her and placed my hands on her shoulders, "there's nothing wrong. I'm just in a crappy mood cause of school, I'll get over it".
"Ok" she sighed unconvinced, "is everything ok at work though? I can handle all of this Lucas, I'm the parent, I should be looking after you".

"And you are" I smiled, "think of it as me paying you back for all the times I crashed your car".
"Yeah, you'll never be able to pay me back for that" she laughed, "I'm going to bed. Good luck with your 'school work'".
"Thanks mom, night".
"Night" she smiled leaving the room.
I prayed (which was rare for me) for my moms sake that I wouldn't get fired for walking out and that Shrimpy wouldn't blab.

The next morning I went to school with one intention and one intention only. I had to find Shrimpy and make sure she knew not to talk. I'd thought about how I was going to go about it. Despite how much I didn't like her, I had to admit, she was smart and she wasn't a slut. I couldn't fuck my way out of this one. She wouldn't fall for that.
I could either be nice to her or play mean. She already knew I wasn't exactly the nice type and she probably wouldn't fall for it so mean seemed like the best choice. It wouldn't be hard to scare a 5'3 nerdy girl into keeping her mouth shut.

I got out of Chris' car and stalked into the school, with my eyes set on finding her. "What's up with you man? You're like a bull that's seen red".
"Haven't seen red yet. But I will" I mumbled.
"Who or what are you looking for?" He asks struggling to keep up.

"Just stay out of it Chris. I'll see you in Business".
"No dude, you look like you're about to kill someone, I'd be a bad friend if I let you go get yourself into trouble" Chris grabbed my arm but I shoved him off straight away.

I turned around and took a deep breath, "I just want to talk to someone ok, stop acting like such a bitch. Go make out with Adren, it's your shift now right? Or is it Nathen?"
"Those jokes aren't funny anymore man" Chris mumbled.

"They're not meant to be, now if you'll excuse me" I turned back around and headed straight for the library, I didn't know for sure but a little dork like her would probably spend her free time reading or some dumb shit like that.

Well, I was right. I found her on the floor hugging her knees close to her chest, in the fiction area...crying?
"What's with you?" I asked not really giving an actual fuck.
She looked up at me then began wiping at her tears, "I'm not really in the mood Lucas, so-"
"I don't care" I interrupter whatever she was about to say, "I need you to understand something".

"Is this about the-"
"Shut up and let me finish, how about that?"
She sighed then nodded for me to continue which I wasn't really expecting. She always just listened to what we told her to do and never fought back. I didn't realize how odd it was until now. I kind of felt bad for picking on someone so pathetic. Kind of.

"If you tell anyone about wherever you think you saw me last night, I swear to god I will make you regret the day you were borned".
She smiled as if she was holding back a laugh. I was not expecting that at all, especially from her.
"What's so funny?"
She got up and composed herself, "sorry, nothing".

"Whatever. So you understand?"
"Yes Lucas, I do" she nodded, "I don't understand why it's a big deal though" she mumbled so quietly I wasn't 100% sure that was what she said.
"Nothing" she smiled nervously, "I need to go borrow these books".
"Geez, are you always thinking about school and learning?"
"I can't help it" she shrugged, "I was borned this way". As she walked away I noticed she was smiling again but I couldn't understand why. Freak.

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