Chris' perspective

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Chris' POV
Okay, I was done with Adren. As if calling or texting me every night wasn't enough, she was basically groping me at school too now.
No one else at my table seemed to see an issue with it because it was an all too familiar scene, Adren trying to cheat on her current 'boyfriend' -if that's what you even call it- with me or trying to cheat on me with someone else. It was a fun sport to her.

Melissa was sitting on my left on Adren's orders while Adren herself was on my right. Karen had been subjected to the corner of the bench on the other side of the table next to Sammy who was apparently Adren's new best friend. The rest of the seats were filled up by a couple of cheerleaders, a few of the varsity football players, Nathen (who didn't look bothered at all by Adren's plays at me) and Alex who was still going strong with Carly.

Lucas on the other hand hadn't come into the cafeteria yet. I never knew what to expect with him, some days he would sit at Blakely's table and try to convince her to forgive him, I'd gone over there a few times to get him to leave her alone but he acted as if I weren't even there so that didn't work out, other times Lucas would sit with a random table that he definitely didn't know but they were willing to welcome him with open arms, and there was the rare occasion where he would sit at our table, but that was only when I chose to sit with Emma because Blakely wasn't at school to sit with her.

Neither Blakely or Lucas had come into the cafeteria yet so Emma was at her usual table staring down at her laptop with just a bottle of orange juice next to her.
I didn't bother waiting any longer for Blakely to arrive, even if she had been sitting there with Emma I still would've peeled Adren off my body and moved to their table with my lunch tray.

No one at my table looked surprised, just annoyed. Adren slammed her hand down onto the table and let out a huff. Always with the dramatics. I was starting to much prefer Emma and Blakely's company.

"Hey Chris" Emma smiled looking up at me when I was within earshot of her table, "you don't have to sit with me today, Blakely's just returning a book to the library".
"Oh this is more for me than you" I groaned slouching down across from her. Emma shut her laptop halfway and raised an eyebrow, "What is it now?"

"Adren again" I sighed, "she's all over me it's gross". Emma rolled her eyes then glanced sideways at the large rowdy group I'd come from, "she's persistent, I'll give her that".
I nodded in agreement before opting to change the topic, "What were you working on?"
Emma pulled her screen back up and stared at the screen with a sour expression, "I was trying to do a practice exam online but it's so hard".
I reached for the computer and she happily pushed it over to me.

All of the questions were from math which just made me confused before I even attempted to read the first one, "yikes, good luck" I cringed.
She sighed and folded her arms on the table, "Yeah well at least I got the distraction".
"Distraction from what?"
She shrugged and looked away, "I don't know, just stuff".

"Okay?" I frowned.
Emma sighed then looked back at me, "guilt" she admitted.
"Guilt?" I was beginning to feel like a dick head asking these questions with one word.
"I did something" she explained, "it was for the best but I still feel kinda bad about it".
"If you feel bad enough to do practice maths questions then it must've been pretty big" I mused settling into my seat, "What was it?"

Emma pulled her laptop back and snapped it shut before folding her arms on top of it. Her expression was slightly pained and her eyes made an obvious effort to avoid mine, "how do you feel about Lucas and Blakely?" She asked out of nowhere.

I frowned but answered anyway, "I think Blakely's great but Lucas is a dick" he was also my best friend and deep deep deep down I cared about him...but he was still a dick.
"I don't mean individually" Emma sighed, tapping her fingers on the back of her laptop which was now facing up.
"Then what do you mean?" I asked still confused.

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