Principal Harris

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GUYYSSS!! I am so close to 1000 reads!! Wtf you guys are crazy!! Thank you for choosing to read Opposites attract, it means more to me than I think you could imagine. Writing is literally everything to me and I've never shared it with anyone before or even written a story like this so I was really stepping out of my comfort zone with this one but I'm so glad it paid off and ppl actually care!! Love you❤️❤️ xx

I spent next few days studying almost non stop after school, a big part of it was about my grades, but it also distracted me from the confused mess that was my life. I managed to get in contact with my mom, but we talked for less than a minute, she couldn't tell me when she was coming home or why she left without saying anything. I knew it was for her mental health, but I really needed her. I also knew that the only way I would get some real answers was through my dad but I just didn't want to talk to him.

My living and family situation was an absolute mess. Even though Lucas and Ms Dimsley had reassured me time and time again that they didn't mind me staying with them, I still felt terrible. So to make myself feel a little better I tried to stay out of their way and help with everything I could. It just didn't feel right to take and not give back, at least that's how I'd been raised.

Ancient History was beginning to get less confusing the more I stared at the pages in my text book, I was getting back on track but I didn't know how long that would last. My mom could decide to come home and make me go home as well at any time she wanted and there was virtually nothing I could do about it because she was my mother, but that would mean moving back home. Everything would be worse than before and it'd consume my days and nights.

"Blakely, your dad's on the phone!" Ms Dimsley called from downstairs. I looked up from my notebook and at the door, maybe if I didn't say anything she'd think I was asleep.

At 2pm on a Saturday? Don't think so.

I groaned and got up from my chair then walked sluggishly out of my room, this was Karma for me avoiding and being a little rude to him.

Ms Dimsley had made her way up to the top of the stairs and had he phone held out to me. I sighed and took it out of her hand then held it up to my ear, "hi dad" I mumbled leaning back against the wall. "I'll give you some privacy" Ms Dimsley whispered before rushing back downstairs.

"Hey sweetie, I've been calling you non stop on your own phone. Look, I'm sorry about how things went down the other day. Nothing matters more to me than you Blakely, now I know I haven't done a very good job at showing it but it's the truth, I want you to be safe and happy before anything else".

"I know" I sighed.
"When I think about what I have done to you this year and how much I've let you down it honestly makes me feel sick. I want an opportunity to do better with you under the same roof as me" he continued, "that's why I ended things with least for the time being please Blakely, will you come home?"

I had no clue what to say. Was I glad he and Jasmin weren't together, one hundred percent! Did I want to live with him again, a small part of me kind of did. But did I forgive him for the custody battle, lying to mom and cheating on her, not even slightly, and unfortunately that fact kind of trumped out the other two.

"I'm sorry dad" I sighed, "I don't think I can live with you right now. Even if Jasmin isn't there, too much has happened, this is a good start though".

"Blakely...please?" He begged. His voice was shaky and I could tell he was trying not to cry, that made me feel even worse about what I said next. "I can't" I sniffed, "I can't live with you right now".

Neither of us said anything after that, but I knew he was still on the line because I could hear him sniffling.
Right before I decided to say goodbye the front door swung open and the last person I expected to see at Lucas' house walked in.
"Mr Harris?" I frowned pushing off the wall. He was standing in the foyer with a bouquet of white roses.

He looked up at me and mirrored my exact shocked expression. I walked down a couple of the steps then stopped when I saw Ms Dimsley wall out of the living room. She had an apron on with flour powdered all across it and her hands covered in what looked like cake batter.

"Frank" she smiled at Principal Harris nervously before looking up at me, "Uh Blakely...this is-"
"My principal" I finished for her.
"Blakely what's going on?" Dad asked reminding me I was still on the line with him.
"Dad, I'm gonna have to go ahead and call you back later" I mumbled before ending the call.

"What are you doing here?" I asked walking the rest of the way downstairs. Me Harris looked at Ms Dimsley then back at me, "Uh..."
"I'm sorry, this is none of my business" I sighed looking at Ms Dimsley. This family was full of secrets.

"No Blakely, if you're going to be staying with us you deserve to know the truth...Mr Harris and I are seeing each other...and have been for a while" Ms Dimsley explained taking a step towards my principal who wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Oh" I mumbled.
So the rumors were true...Emma's mom was right, which meant that Lucas really did cheat for the election and he lied to me about it. I mean, that was ages ago when he and I weren't really friends yet so it shouldn't have bothered me this much. I just felt like an idiot because I had defended him and I kind of believed that he didn't do anything to win, that Mr Harris was just a sexist idiot.

"You know what, I'm gonna go back up to study" I said walking up the stairs backwards. I almost tripped a couple of times before I turned around completely and sprinted the rest of the way to my room.

What the hell did I just witness?

I tried to get my mind off it by studying but I couldn't, my brain just kept going back to Mr Harris and Ms Dimsley, how if Emma knew this she could get Lucas taken off the captains committee. I knew how much it meant to her, and how she would want me to tell her, but I couldn't.

It was Ms Dimsley's private life and she had been so good to me, I wouldn't only be betraying Lucas, but I'd be betraying her too.

I hated myself for feeling the need to protect Lucas 24/7 when all he did was keep things from me and lie to me. I gave up a massive part of my future for him, I was keeping a huge secret for him and it wasn't the first time either. Despite how horribly he had treated me in the past, and how little he trusted me with, I still tried to protect him like it was my job.

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