Birthday cake pop

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Hey guys! Real quick, just wanna say I'm sooo sorry for any typos. I pre wrote these chapters like months ago and I never edited them. I tried to go through it before posting but tbh I just wanna get it up for y'all😌

"Oh my goodness Emma, I'm so sorry" I frowned turning into the Starbucks driveway. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to order, drive and talk on the phone all at the same time, but I needed coffee and I also needed to talk to Emma.

"Yeah me too...he was getting really sick though, we all knew it was coming" her voice cracked and I could tell she was trying hard not to cry. "Are you sure you don't want me to come over?" I asked for the millionth time.
"No, you need to go to school" she sighed.
"Ok...well let me know if you need anything at any point ok?" I inched my car closer to the one in front of me in the line.

"Yeah I will".
"I love you hun".
"Love you too" Emma said before ending the call. I felt so terrible that there was nothing I could do to make her feel better. I'd been so preoccupied with the fundraiser, my parents and Lucas for the past week that I had completely ignored the fact that my best friend was going through something big with her grandad. When I called her and found out that he had passed away a couple of days ago it hit me how self involved I had been.

The car in front of me drove ahead and out of the drive through so I moved up. I really hated that I was ordering coffee from Starbucks, but I had no choice. I was in a rush and this was the only other coffee shop nearby that wasn't Lucas' old workplace.
I couldn't believe I was subjecting myself to the scum of the coffee earth for Lucas.

"Good mor-" the guy behind the window froze mid sentence and stared at me with an awed expression. It was apparent that he hadn't slept in a while from the bags under his eyes and the light stubble around his chin and cheeks, apart from that he was pretty cute. He had emerald green eyes and cropped blonde hair. I frowned in confusion and looked across at the other seat as if I was expecting someone else to be there. "What?" I asked.
"I-I...I're're really pretty" He laughed lightly tapping his fingers on the til in front of him.

"Oh" I smiled feeling my cheeks heat up.
"Sorry" He mumbled, "um, what can I do for you?" "Don't apologize" I laughed pulling out my wallet, "can I just grab a large skinny cappuccino?"
"Uh, yeah" he nodded putting it into the machine, "was that all?"

I bit my lip and stared at the menu deciding if I should just get a cake pop or not. It was 8:30am but I was young and usually healthy...
"Can I also get a birthday cake pop?"
"Yeah, that's $9.50".
I handed him the cash which he put into the til before turning around to make my coffee.

I drove ahead to the next window where I only had to wait a couple of seconds before I was handed my cappuccino and cake pop by a different worker.

The bell still hadn't gone when I arrived at school. I wasn't late for once!
I somehow balanced my backpack, coffee and cake pop without dropping any of them as I got out of the car. I even managed to lock to door.
There were still people hanging out outside and in the doorway of the school so apparently I was actually early.

I decided I had enough time to eat my cake pop before class so I pulled the bag open and was surprised to see that there wasn't just one cake pop, there were 2. Not only that, there was also something written on the inside of the packet. I pulled both the cake pops out and tilted the white paper bag to an angle so I could see what it was: a phone number and a name, Ryan.

I smiled to myself then put one of the cake pops back in the packet. I would've been lying if I didn't say that I was flattered, even though I didn't think I would call him. I was too busy and my life was already complicated enough. Plus I was unfortunately interested in Lucas.

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