End like this

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Peep this double upload :))) you're welcome babies! Enjoyyyy

It had been an hour and I still hadn't seen Chris or Lucas. To be fair though, I'd spent most of that time hiding out in the bathroom which I did eventually find. I was beginning to get hot, tired and annoyed. The party had been an awful idea, in the small time I'd spent outside the bathroom I'd been 'accidentally' groped by at least 6 guys, I'd witnessed the shy girl in my history class snort cocaine and I'd been offered an uncountable number of pills in different shapes, sizes and colors.

I was just about to give up on the whole thing when I caught a glimpse of Chris' shaggy blonde hair in the kitchen. As I slowly got closer I was able to confirm it was really him. I'd never been so relieved to see Chris in my life. He was frowning and looking around, his expression told me that he was probably somewhat annoyed and very concerned. I hadn't brought my phone but I had a feeling there would be many missed calls when I finally got to check it.

I rushed as best I could through the herd of kids my age then without a warning I slammed into him and hugged him so tightly he should have suffocated. It was boiling hot but I didn't care, I had Chris now, not as good as Lucas, but a close second.
I heard something come out of his mouth but I couldn't tell what it was given we were right next to the speaker.

I looked up at his face and he was staring back at me with a small smile, he said something else but I just shook my head and hugged him tighter, he eventually wrapped his arms around my waist and gave up on his hopeless efforts to say something to me.

I knew there were eyes on us, this would definitely get back to Adren but I didn't care. Chris was my friend, maybe even my best friend and I felt like I could breath again now that he was here. Eventually I peeled myself off him and he held tightly onto my hand and pulled me through the sweaty dancing bodies to the opposite end of the house. The music got quieter as we got further away and when we eventually reached the back door I could hear him well enough.

"You have no idea how worried I've been about you" he half yelled, I wasn't sure if it was because he was pissed at me or because the music was still pretty loud.
"What would've happened to me" I laughed rolling my eyes.
"I don't know, but when Emma told me you'd run off an hour ago and they hadn't seen you I sort of started to think of the worst, I walked in on like 3 people having sex from barging into every room in this house".

"Well I was in the bathroom so I guess it wasn't every room" I smiled as we walked out into the back garden. There were just as many, of not more people in the back yard than there had been in the front yard but it was quieter so I didn't care about that.

"You have no idea how badly this could've gone" Chris said shaking his head.
"Well I'm lucky I had you there aren't I" I smiled hugging his arm. I realized then that I'd never been this affectionate with Chris, I was just so happy to see him, even though I'd never admit it to him, been petrified for the past hour, he was one of the top two people I'd been desperate to see in that time.

"Very" he smiled. We sat down on the grass and leant back against the house. Neither of us said anything for a long time, every one else's conversations were enough to fill the silence.

When I couldn't take it anymore, I broke the silence and asked the one question I'd been wondering all night, "where's Lucas, Chris?"
He didn't look surprised that I asked, just...upset? I didn't get it.
"He's here, he was looking for you as well. I think he was somehow even more worried than I was" Chris answered without looking at me.

"Wait what?!" I frowned, "Chris you have to text him!" I already felt awful that I'd worried Chris so much, knowing I'd also worried Lucas made me feel even worse. "I will, I just had to tell you something first...well, a couple of things" he plucked a blade of grass from the ground and began playing with it in his hands.

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