One on one with Chris

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Ok, um...1k reads??? WTF??? This is actually insane i don't even know what to do with myself right now! I know it probably doesn't seem like a lot, and I also know that technically 1000 people didn't read my story😂 BUT this is still insane!! Thank you guys, honestly. I'm literally writing this in my business studies class right now cause I only just saw this😂 anyway, you don't care about my lack of attention at school😊 anywho, I luv you and thank youuuuu! Let's get to 2k now😉


"If you were anyone else I'd ask what you were doing here" Chris said pulling up a seat next to me. Of course, the one place where I thought no one would bug me, the library of all places, Chris shows up. I forced a smile and looked across at him, "if you were anyone but yourself I wouldn't ask what you were doing here".

"I was looking for some books to help me study for History" he explained with a small smirk.
I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair, "and I'm here to pick up some drugs" I mocked him. He laughed out loud, earning a cold glare from a small blonde girl in thick glasses across the room.

"Sorry" he whispered. She rolled her eyes then looked back down at the fat text book she was scanning so thoroughly.
"So why are you really here?" I asked folding my arms on the table. Chris leant in close to my ear and mumbled in a low tone, "I'm dropping off some drugs".

That time it was my turn to laugh out loud.
I slapped my hand against my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut, as if it'd help me stop laughing. When I opened my eyes Chris was looking past me at the blonde girl who I could feel burning fiery glares into the side of my head.

"She reminds me of you" Chris murmured.
"Poor thing is probably so annoyed" I said glancing sideways at her then back at Chris, "you guys used to annoy me so much, it's crazy" I said shaking my head slowly. "How does it feel to be on delivery rather than the receiving end?" He asked with a small smile.

"If I'm being selfish, it feels a lot better" I admitted quietly. "So now you get it?" He asked. "Get why you guys were such annoying buttheads? No, I still don't really get it" I smiled coldly.

"Buttheads?" He laughed.
"I don't swear" I explained, sometimes my insults suffered deeply because of that fact. "I still don't get buttheads" he shook his head and shrugged once. "Me neither" I laughed.

"Have you every been in a situation where you really wanted to swear?" He asked sliding his seat closer to me. "No, not really" I shrugged.
"You're boring" he mumbled. "Hold on! Actually, I have" I clicked sitting up straighter.
"What happened?"

"The other night, Lucas and I were at Walmart and he was making weird jokes" I laughed quietly. Chris frowned and looked to the side thoughtfully, "you went to Walmart at night with Lucas?"

I bit my lip when I realized what I had just revealed. If I had been thinking, I never would've told Chris that. "You guys are getting close huh?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
I shrugged and made sure to look everywhere but Chris' eyes. It was a lot more difficult than it sounded, with him doing the exact opposite and trying to look me in the eyes.

"I wouldn't say close" I murmured tapping my fingers on the edge of the table.
"So what would you say?" He asked.
I stared at my hands and bit my lip, making sure to count to 3 before answering so I wouldn't make the mistake of blurting the wrong thing out again.

"I would say Lucas and I are barely even friends anymore" I finally answered. It wasn't a lie either. "Yeah right" Chris rolled his eyes, "you and Lucas act like a married couple all the fucking time and every time I bring up you being into him you start're doing it right now".

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