What is this?

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100k!!!! Say whaaattttt this is insane thnx for reading my story guys❤️❤️

I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth and could still taste Lucas' lips very subtly on mine. I couldn't imagine myself ever forgetting the taste or how it felt to kiss him...
Lucas was in the kitchen attempting to make dinner. Key word, attempting. His mom had called to let him know she wouldn't be home until really late, she was doing everything she could to get the restraining order against Lucas' dad filed as soon as possible.

I had offered to help Lucas but he turned me down on the grounds of 'appropriate hospitality', he probably didn't even know what those words meant but I played along anyway.
"So what are you making?" I called to him from where I sat perched on the arm rest of his couch.
"It's...a surprise" he answered slowly.
"Will it be a surprise to just me or both of us?" I teased picking my phone up off the coffee table.

"That's a surprise too" he said only just loud enough for me to hear. I smiled to myself as I went through my messages. I had one from Ryan who had been very consistent in texting me for the past couple of days. After what happened with Lucas and I, I began to wonder if I should do something about Ryan's crush or just let it die down on its own.

Ryan: I've got an awkward question

I didn't want to hear it, honestly. A lot of what he said was 'awkward' and he didn't realize, I didn't want to think about how bad it would be if even he was aware that it was awkward.
I chose to put my phone down and leave that problem for another time.

By the sounds of it, Lucas was chopping something up, I felt morally obliged to go make sure that his fingers wouldn't be added to the mix.
He had his back to me but I could see from the side of his face that he was frowning deeply while concentrating on cutting a tomato.
I couldn't help smiling at how adorable he looked. There was a saucepan on the stove with water bubbling out under the lid, so I couldn't remain conspicuous for as long as I would've liked, I needed to save Ms Dimsley's kitchen.

I walked in and took the lid off. Lucas looked surprised to see me, but somehow, not annoyed like I would've expected.
"Boiling water and tomato's" I mused looking around the kitchen. There was a frying pan and a packet of beef mince next to the stove which I assumed Lucas would be frying with the tomatoes, the dead give away was the half open packet of spaghetti sitting next to it though. "Ah, you're making spaghetti bolognese" I guessed turning the temperature down on the stove.

"How'd you know?" He frowned glancing at me for a brief moment. "Beef mince, spaghetti, tomatoes. It's kind of obvious" I smiled, "although, I don't know where the taco shells fit in" I picked up the yellow box of hard taco shells sitting next to the microwave.
"Didn't you watch Icarly as a kid?" Lucas smiled. "Really?" I laughed, "that's what you're trying? Spaghetti tacos?"

"Don't say it like that. Have you ever tried them?" Lucas asked taking the box from me.
"No, I can't say I have" I admitted with a laugh.
"Well there's a saying, Blakely, don't knock it till you've tried it" Lucas said pointedly.
I laughed and raised my hands up in mock surrender then jumped up onto the bench.
"You know...you should probably put the spaghetti in the water now" I suggested staring at the bubbly water.
"Hey, if you're gonna be in here then you need to be quiet and let me do my thing" but he went ahead and put a handful of the spaghetti into the hot water anyway.

It was fun watching Lucas cook, he did things in the kitchen that I'd never seen anyone even attempt. He had unique strategies for avoiding the crappy parts of cooking, like cutting onions and spitting hot oil. Some of which were questionable while others were actually kind of smart.

"Okay" Lucas sighed after closing the pot filled with spaghetti. He had tried to pour the water out thinking the spaghetti was ready but I had to intervene, it was visibly still firm and I wasn't a fan and of al dente, "now we wait".
I was still sitting on the bench right next to the toaster. Lucas walked towards me and stood in front of me, placing his hands on the bench on either side of me.

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