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The weekend was one big hot mess.
My mom cried a lot, I got no sleep and neither of us heard from dad, well for mom that was mostly because she didn't want to hear from him. He just didn't answer my calls.

I was excited for Monday, to say the very least. I'd be able to go back to school and push my problems with my parents to the back of my mind while I focused on my school work and my problems with Emma and Lucas too I suppose.

I hadn't been allowed to leave the house due to being grounded so I had to sit in my room or with my mom and listen to her crying. It wasn't the best way to spend the two days I got off school but I did want to be there for her and I didn't have any other choice.

I didn't get any sleep again on Sunday night. It was like old times again. I stayed up tossing and turning then in the morning I wore a random oversized hoodie, a pair of tights and some white sneakers.

I didn't think much about the outfit until I got to school and realized I the 'oversized hoodie' I was wearing belonged to Lucas!

I was sitting in my car, wearing his hoodie and the bell had just rang, oh plus, I had socials with him and all his friends first.
"What the hell Blakely!" I hissed at myself.
This was awful! If I was lucky no one else would realize who's hoodie it was, but he sure as hell would. The worst part of it all though, the part that made me want to kick myself in the throat, was that I wasn't wearing a top under it.


It was cold, and I decided that I wasn't going to take the hoodie off at any point so why put on a shirt? It was just me and my bra under here.

I started considering driving back home but my mom was still there. She would ask a countless amount of questions.
I had no choice but to go into class wearing Lucas' hoodie.

The hallways were empty, which meant everyone was already in class. I was going to draw extra attention to myself when I walked into socials. Maybe this was Karma for being so mean to everyone last week, nothing was going well.

My footsteps echoed through the wide and tall hallway. I felt like I could hear my heart pounding but I knew that was just me being dramatic. When I reached my socials class, room 307, I hesitated before knocking on the door. I could skip and wait in the toilets until period two. It was with Emma. Even though she was mad at me, I was certain she would lend me a top. She always had extra clothes in her locker.

That was almost a perfect plan. But like I said, Karma was using all her resources on me today. Mr Montgomery opened the door rather quickly knocking me onto the floor.

"Oh my goodness! Blakely I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed as I slowly sat up. "It's fine" I sighed. There was no turning back now.

He helped me up then stepped back into the classroom, "I was going to go get some homework sheets because apparently, your classmates didn't get any, that's why they haven't handed them in today".

"Homework?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I'll make an extra copy" he sighed, "go inside and copy what's on the board please". Then he walked down the hallway, leaving me with no choice but to go into class.

I decided not to look at the back of the class when I walked in. Maybe if I didn't see him he wouldn't see me. I felt all eyes on me, left right and behind me. I sat down and took my note book out of my bag then began scribbling whatever was on the board down in my notebook without thinking.

That was the most embarrassing, awkward moment of my life. I was sure no one else knew I was wearing Lucas' hoodie so that was reassuring, but he did, and I wasn't talking to him! How could I be mad at someone then wear their hoodie to school? How?

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