We love a good twist

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I couldn't have imagined the lookout being any worse, but at almost midnight with no view what so ever and the light rain outside the car it had managed to be even more depressing than before. The light drops of water on the roof of the car almost drowned out the sound of me sniffing every 5 seconds. My eyes were glued on the trees in front of us, almost mesmerized by the way they moved so smoothly and in sync. Lucas' had somehow managed to wrap his arm around me from the drivers side while I cried like a pathetic child.

My heart was thudding loudly in my ears and I couldn't control how much I was shaking. I wasn't sure if it was because of the sudden cold or because of how upset I was, I wished it was the cold but Lucas had given me his jacket ages ago and he didn't look slightly bothered by the rain, so it probably had more to do with my emotions. Pathetic.

He didn't say anything and I appreciated that, I needed time to sit in the silence, having him there was an added bonus though. He probably had no clue what exactly was going on but Lucas still remained quiet and let me have my silly little breakdown. I was sure he'd figured out that I knew Emma lied but that was it. He didn't know that I knew what he'd done for me with my parents, or that I'd gone to that party with the intention of telling him how I felt about him even before I knew Emma had been lying.

There was so much he didn't know but he still comforted me anyway. I eventually decided to break the silence and say something to show him how much I appreciated him.
"Thanks for being here Lucas" I wiped at my tears and bit my lip so another sob wouldn't escape my lips. "There's nowhere I'd rather be"  he assured me with a smile.

"You know I probably wouldn't have gone tonight if my parents hadn't told me what you did" I smiled back, "I wanted to find you straight away".
"Taking your phone to the party would've helped" he laughed lightly, "I wanted to find you straight away too". "Why?"
Lucas shrugged and answered, "I just did, I always do".

"I'm glad we found each other" I hadn't intended on the double meaning but it was very true...corny, but true. "Your tone sounds so different from a few hours ago" Lucas smiled. "A few hours ago I didn't know you'd convinced my parents to stop the custody battle".

"And the Emma thing probably helped me out too didn't it" he added.
"Not really" I answered honestly, "I didn't know that Emma was lying when I went to the party to find you. I had stopped caring about the whole kiss situation when I found out what you did, but I guess it helped a little".

Lucas laughed and shook his head, "so you were coming find me so you could...?"
"So I could thank you" I said lifting my legs onto the seat then turning my whole body so I was facing him, "and so I could tell you that I really really like you and I don't wanna just be friends anymore".

Saying it out loud was a lot easier than I had anticipated it would be. Lucas' expression did help a little too, he was grinning like a crazy person and he looked so cute. When I finished talking he cupped my face with his hands then leant in and placed a soft but long kiss on my lips, once he pulled away he kept one of his hands on my cheek and mumbled, "about time".

I laughed for no real reason. I was probably the happiest and saddest I'd ever been in my entire life it was turning into hysteria. My situation with Lucas and my family was amazing, perfect even. But with my friends, it was a mess. The emotions were conflicting because all I wanted to do was scream for joy and lie in bed crying all day.

"It only took you 4 months" he teased sitting back in his seat. "Me?" I gasped, "If I recall correctly I made the first move!"
"Oh please" Lucas rolled his eyes, "I was flirting with you since day 1".
"But that's just your personality. We both know that I liked you first and I made the first move...who would've thought" I mused staring out the window.

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