Ok then

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Ok guys, so before you read this chapter I just wanted to explain something. I don't believe anyone should ever be called a slut, and I don't think STD's or any of that is a joke. Some of the stuff I'm writing in this chapter may make it seem like I think it's ok to joke about STD's and call girls sluts but that's not what I believe at all. I'm trying to get Lucas' character across, and I don't think he's much of a respectful feminist so he's going to say ignorant and fucked up things. Please don't take offense to anything I write when I'm writing as Lucas, it's his character. You may have notice how much the characters language change when I'm writing as Lucas or Blakely. That's because I think it's important to REALLY write as them, use the language they would and think like them. Hope no one gets offended. Ok I'll shut up now lmao xx
Lucas' POV

"Lucas...is there something you need to tell me?" My mom asked walking into my room with an envelope in her hand. "Uh...no?"
I shook my head taking my headphones off.

"Really? So is this $1200 bill for damage at the Cafe you work at is a mistake?"
"$1200?!" I exclaimed standing up.
"Yeah, apparently you punched the glass display table" she sighed looking at the envelope again.

I rushed over and opened it myself to make sure she hadn't read it wrong.
It wasn't my lucky day, I owed the Cafe $1200.
"Lucas what were you thinking?! I'm already in debt, and now I have this on top of it! You got expelled for punching someone and I'm assuming you got fired AND a $1200 bill for punching a display table! This violence needs to stop!"

"I'll pay for it mom, don't worry ok, I just need another jo-".
"No" she shook her head, "you're done Lucas, I need you to focus on your school work, and your school work ONLY. As your mother I am telling you not to get a job, and I mean it".

"Mom come on, I did this I can fix it" I begged.
"No! I shouldn't have let you work at all to pay for what I should be paying for in the first place. No job, just school" and with that she walked away.

I groaned and dropped onto my bed. Of course I was still going to get a job, despite what she said. There was no way she'd be able to pay off the $1200 damage I'd caused.

Even though I knew I wasn't the parent and it wasn't my responsibility to pay the bills and everything, I still felt like I needed to look after my mom. After what happened with my dad, I felt so disappointed in myself for not being able to protect her or myself from him, I was only about 4 at the time, but I made a vow to her and myself that I would protect her from then on and I meant it.

My phone rang on my bedside table and I groaned loudly. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I tried ignoring it but they continued calling. Eventually I just gave up and answered the phone.

"Hey dude" it was Chris.
"What?" I repeated.
"Is it cool if I come over? I need to give you some paperwork and shit for school captain or whatever".

I had completely forgotten I was school captain, so that threw me off a little. I never even wanted the position but Mr Harris insisted. It was probably a way to get in my moms good books. I'd found out a couple of days before the election ago my mom and him were seeing each other.

He was trying to get me to like him, even if it meant breaking the law. I tried to explain to him that I only went up as a joke, even though it was more because Blakely Wood went up, and I wanted to see what she'd do, I guess I was just curious.

"Oh my fucking god, do I have to be captain? Don't you want it?"
"The people chose you, you went up yourself anyway, I was nominated and forced up against my will". "Whatever, just come over, I'm not gonna read any of it though".
"Yeah thought so" he said before hanging up.

Of all my friends Chris was the only one that I thought of as an actual friend. Alex was pretty close, but he was annoying, Nathen was and had always been a dick head, Adren was a bitch and a slut, and I didn't even know the names of her two little minions.

After a few minutes my mom called out to let me know Chris was here. I didn't feel like leaving my room so I yelled back to let him up.
"Do you just sit here all day and do jack shit?" Chris asked walking into my room.
"Basically yeah. I don't know what kind of punishment suspension is, but it's been pretty great".

He threw a booklet and a pile of papers on my desk then sat down on the chair at my desk, "have you talked to Nathen?"
"No" I frowned, "why the fuck would I do that?"

"So this is a real fight?"
"It's not a fight, I just don't want anything to do with the fuck head anymore". "Ok, he's done way worse things than tap Blakely's cheek and you got over it, fuck, he slept with my girlfriend and I've gotten over it".

"That's cause you didn't like her" I rolled my eyes. "And you like Blakely?"
"No" I scoffed as if that was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard. Even if I did, which I didn't, we were worlds apart, I wanted to think I was out of her league but the reality was she was out of mine. We were at completely opposite ends of the spectrum. She was smart and kind and she had a future, I was suspended, broke and failing everything except one class.
"So...why do you care so much?"
"I don't".

"Lucas, you punched the shit out of him and refuse to talk to him. I think you care".
"Well stop thinking, it's not good for you. Are there any good parties this weekend? I feel like getting laid soon" I changed the topic abruptly.
"I don't fucking know, that's usually yours and Nathen's job".

"Stop saying his fucking name" I groaned.
"Wow, you really hate him" Chris said. "Really?" I asked sarcastically, "what gave it away?"
"Alright, calm down. As far as I know nothing's on tonight, I can ask Adren or something though".

"So you two are still together?"
"I wouldn't say together, she thinks we are, but a bitch like that can't be in a relationship, she has some serious fucking problems. We're more like acquaintances with benefits, I'd say friends but that bitch isn't capable of friendship either".

"And you're not exclusive" I pointed out. "That too" he nodded. "Would you be mad if I hooked up with her?" I asked.
He stared at me with the most shocked expression. I cracked up and threw a pillow at his dumb face, "I'm fucking kidding dude, I don't want aids".

"She doesn't have aids" he rolled his eyes and threw the pillow back at me.
"You never know" I laughed, "What was the meeting like? Did Adren run the whole show?"
"No actually, she was pretty damn quiet".
"What about Blakely?"
Chris sighed then lent back in the chair, "nice Segway".

"Onto your favorite topic again" he smiled.
"What are you talking about? I was just curious" I shrugged.
"Are you always just curious when you talk about her?"
"I never talk about her" I rolled my eyes. I wasn't into Blakely like that, I barely even considered her a friend so I wasn't really sure where all this about me being into here was coming from.

"Sure" he mumbled.
"Where is all this coming from anyway? Why do you suddenly think I'm into her?"
"The fact that you haven't called her shrimp in a really long time, you invented that nickname dude. Or, how about how you punched Nathen silly for touching her, should I go on?"

"That's it? All that happened ages ago, I stopped calling her shrimp because I finally learnt her name, and I punched Nathen because he's a dick".
"Ok then" he smiled.

I rolled my eyes and ignored the topic for the rest of the day. I didn't like Blakely, not like that and barely as a friend.

But wait my loves, since I haven't uploaded in a while this is a double upload! Keep reading or save it for a rainy day ;) up to you babies lol x

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