Long time coming

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Blakely's POV
"Are you ready?" I asked Emma who was rubbing her hands together and rocking slightly side to side.
"Yeah" she nodded. We were waiting outside Mr Harris' office. It had taken a lot but we'd managed to get the office ladies to agree to let us see him. Normally students weren't allowed to just barge into the vice principals office with a complaint but Emma and I combined were pretty resourceful when we had to be.

"What if I get suspended too?" She asked. "For having a complaint? I highly doubt that Em, just relax. You know what you have to say, as long as you're not rude and don't raise your voice you're really not doing anything wrong" I said.

"Yeah ok" she nodded, "I've got this".
"You have, and I'm with you 100%".
"Emma McDorman and Blakely Wood" he stepped out of his office and nodded in our direction.

We went into his office and sat down behind his desk. "Twice now Blakely, hopefully this time it's for good reasons?"
"Not exactly sir" I said before looking at Emma to continue.

"Mr Harris, you know who hasn't been at school for the past month?" She sat up straight and stared him straight in the eyes. Nervous Emma who?

"Uh...who?" He asked.
"Lucas Everett. That kid was suspended for physically harassing another student, not only is it against school rules but also against national law".
"Yes" Mr Harris nodded slowly.
"Why is he currently the school captain? Why is someone who is suspended the school captain?"

Mr Harris shifted in his seat uncomfortably, "it was too late to extract him from the election".
"With all due respect sir, he BEAT UP another kid. I don't understand how you could let someone like that lead the junior student body. What kind of example is that setting to everyone else? That it doesn't matter if you beat someone up?"

"It's very complicated Ms McDormam".
"No, I don't think it is" she shook her head, "I thinks it's really quite simple, you made a really really bad decision sir, I might even go as far as saying you broke some rules".
"I did no such thing. With all due respect to you too Emma, you have no right to come barging into my room, with these wild allegati-"

"Oh no, we're not making any allegations, we're giving you some facts and asking for answers" She said. "Well I'm sorry but I'm not required to answer every question you might have, especially when it includes another student".

"Lucas doesn't even want to be captain, Mr Harris" I spoke up, "at least that's what he told me. He's told me a lot of things about your arrangement with him actually". He honestly hadn't, barely anything really, but I wanted to freak Mr Harris out a little into saying something he wouldn't have if he didn't think I knew more than I do.

It was bad, but Emma needed to know the truth and frankly, she deserved it.
"Has he?" Mr Harris sat up straight and folded his arms on the desk, "well why don't you ask him about this?"

"Because he's Lucas Everett, I don't trust anything that comes from his mouth, but I did feel the need to check with you anyway".
"Well I can't help you ladies, Lucas can tell you whatever he wants too about himself but I am not allowed to talk about another student with you".

I looked at Emma and she stood up. I thought she was going to yell or something but she just turned around and left the office.
I got up too and followed after her making sure to bang the door on my way out.

"Em! Hold on!"
She slowed down a little but continued walking quickly down the hallway. I had to jog a little to catch up with her. "I'm so over them" she said, "they always win! Three out of four of the junior school captains is one of them and they all didn't really even want it! Now the vice principal is protecting one of them! What's the fucking point?"

"Ok Emma stop!"
She sighed and came to a slow stop.
"This isn't their school, not if we have anything to do with it! I'm done sitting back and letting them run the show and I bet you are too, Lucas may be captain but so am I, there's no way I'm letting them control everything ok?"

"Ok" she nodded weakly.
"Come on, let's go to lunch. I'll shout you".
She smiled as I linked my arm through hers then walked with her to the cafeteria.

"He comes back tomorrow" She grumbled sitting down at our table. "Ok, enough about him" I decided, "what do you want to eat?"
"Just get me water".
"No food?"
"No food" she nodded.

"Hey shrimp" someone said from behind me while I was in line.
I groaned and didn't even bother turning around to see who it was, there were only two people who were at school that still called me shrimp, Adren and Alex, and the voice was very much female.

"I'm talking to you, dumbass" she said tapping on my shoulder. "What is it with you and your people touching me?" I mumbled stepping forward.

"What did you and Chris talk about yesterday?" She asked ignoring me. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.
"What? What did you talk about?" She asked again. "Why don't you ask him?"
"He's not exactly talking to me right now, and if I find out you had anything to do with that I will make you regret it for the rest of your pathetic life".

I tried really hard to suppress a laugh, but I just couldn't.
"What's so fucking funny?" She asked.
"I'm flattered you'd go to all that effort for me Adren".

"Shut up" She spat, "did you two talk about me or not?"
"Barely" I shrugged.
"What do you mean barely?" She asked.
I got to the front of the line and made my order, "can I get a chicken and aioli wrap and a bottle of water please".

"What do you mean barely?" She asked again.
"Means we didn't talk about you, ok?"
"So what did you talk about?" She asked resting her elbow on the counter top.
I was handed my wrap and Emma's water so I took it quickly then walked as fast as I could away from Adren.

"I'm talking to you Shrimp!" She snapped grabbing my arm.
I turned around and glared at her, "today is not the best day for you to test me Adren. Chris isn't into you anymore! Get it through your head! Just leave me alone" then I turned back around and walked away. This time she didn't follow.

I sat down across from Emma who smiled and nodded approvingly at me, "I like this put them in their place you" she smiled.
"It's been a long time coming" I mumbled.

Double upload HEELLL YEEAAAHH you're welcome babies x

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