Touch her one more time

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I dreaded the next day. I would've been more willing to rip my teeth out one by one with my bare hands while tied to a cactus naked than show up to school. I'd spent the night at Emma's place so I actually got some sleep. She spent the whole morning trying to convince me school wasn't going to be too bad but I didn't believe her and I knew she didn't believe it either.

I wore a dark blue hoodie and a pair of black jeans. Emma thought I was being ridiculous and it'd only draw more attention to me, but she also thought the Illuminati and frozen yogurt were working together so I ignored her.

"Ok, everything's gonna be fine. Just remember to breath, ok?" Emma said as we got out of the car. I nodded and pulled my hoodie over my head. I already knew the school had already heard about what went down yesterday, so I wasn't surprised when everyone stared at me as I walked into the school.

"Nothing to see here! Carry on talking shit about your friends!" Emma yelled linking arms with me. I smiled at her gratefully and tried to focus on how lucky I was to have her with me, rather than how everyone was judging me.

We got to my first class which was socials. She wasn't in that class with me and literally everyone that I couldn't stand and would go out of their way to make me feel worse was in that class. "You'll be fine" she assured me.
I didn't say anything. I knew I wouldn't and taking about it would probably only stress me out even more.

I was one of the first in class. The only other person there was Carly Dawson. She was relatively nice to me, she'd say hi every now and then and rarely laughed when I was made fun of.
She smiled at me as I sat down and I smiled back. The bell rang and everyone else came flooding into the room. Adren, Karen and Mellissa walked in and didn't notice me at first.

It wasn't until Chris, Alex, Nathen and Lucas walked in that attention was brought to my presence. "Shrimp! You showed up!" Nathen exclaimed placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Oh my god" Adren laughed.
I bit my lip and looked down at my desk. "What happened yesterday?" Alex asked, "Why'd you run away, I thought you were gonna beat Adren, no sweat".

"Yeah shrimp" Adren got up and walked over to my table, "is running away like a little bitch when you can't talk your strategy?"
"Did you and the little red head have sex in the bathrooms or something?" Nathen asked.
"Yeah you never came back to class" Chris added.

"Guys that's enough" Lucas said.
"Oh, we're just having a bit of fun" Nathen smiled sitting on my desk. "She's obviously not having fun! Leave her alone" he said sternly.
"Let her talk for herself"Adren smiled leaning down on my desk in front of me, "she has a mouth on her".

I didn't say anything.
"Not when it counts apparently" Adren laughed. "What's the matter? Shrimp got your tongue?" Nathen chuckled pushing my face.
"Touch her one more time" Lucas dared, I looked up at him, surprised by his enraged expression. Nathen got up and stared Lucas down for a moment before leaning across and lightly slapping me.

"Dude!" Chris exclaimed.
Even Adren looked shocked. Lucas shoved Nathen so hard he fell back onto the floor between the desks. I thought that was it, but he got down on his knees and punched Nathen in the nose. I was beyond shocked. Everyone else in the class started chanting and recording it. Chris tried to pull Lucas off Nathen, but he was a man on a mission, he continued slamming his fist into Nathen's face. I hadn't wanted to get involved, but I didn't want to be the cause of Nathen's death.

"Lucas stop!" I yelled standing up just as Mr Montgomery walked into the room. Lucas ignored me so I rushed in front of him, "Stop!" I yelled again.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Mr Montgomery yelled. Lucas stopped punching Nathen and stood up. He had a bit of blood on his fists, Nathen had a lot of blood dripping down his nose. I sighed and helped him up seen as no one else seemed to want to. "Nathen hit Blakely, so Lucas got a bit...mad" Carly explained.

"YOU, YOU AND YOU! STRAIGHT TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE!" He pointed at Lucas, Nathen and me. "What, why m-" I began.
"MS WOOD!" He yelled. I shut my mouth and nodded. Chris and Alex helped Nathen to the nurses office first.

I walked quickly ahead of Lucas to the office. I was pissed to say the very least.
"Blakely Wood...I'm surprised to see you here, are you escorting Mr Everett?" The vice principals assistant asked. "No" I mumbled sitting on the furthest waiting seat from Lucas.

We waited for about 15 minutes before Nathen came to the office to wait with us. There were two seats between Lucas and myself. He decided to stand by the door. Good choice.

Lucas didn't stop staring him down, even I felt his anger from where I was sitting.
We were there for another 10 minutes, no words left anyone's mouth but I definitely had a lot I wanted to say to them both. I was missing class because of them!

"Lucas Everett , Nathen Karamakoft and...Blakely Wood" Mr Harris the vice principal sounded shocked when he read my name. We all got up and walked into his office. Lucas shoved Nathen as he walked past him. I rolled my eyes and walked ahead of the both of them. I was so sick of them it was beyond ridiculous.

"Take a seat" Mr Harris motioned to the four seats behind his massive desk.
Again, I sat at in the furthest seat from the two of them and folded my arms.
"So" Mr Harris began, "something tells me Blakely probably shouldn't be here".
"No, Blakely shouldn't" I mumbled.
"So why are you?" He asked.
"I have no idea" I sighed. "Mr Montgomery must have a reason for sending you hear with them two".

"He doesn't, Blakely didn't do anything" Lucas said. "Ok stop defending me, Lucas!" I snapped. "Yeah, Stop fucking defending her!" Nathen agreed. "Nathen shut the fuck up before I make more permanent damage".
"Enough!" Mr Harris slammed his hand on the desk. It got my attention but Nathen and Lucas didn't seem that bothered, they were probably used to it.

"I need you, Mr Everett to tell me EXACTLY what happened!"
Lucas rolled his eyes and slouched in his chair a little more, "I dunno" he shrugged.
"Alright then, Nathen! Tell me exactly what happened?"

"I touched shrimpy so Lucas came at me like some sort of animal".
"Shrimpy?" Mr Harris frowned.
Nathen pointed in my direction.
My Harris sighed then looked at me, "so he touched you?"
"Not like that" I mumbled. I looked at Nathen and almost considered covering for him, but I was so sick of doing nice things for people who couldn't even spell nice. "He pushed my face and slapped me a little".

"So then you punched him?" Mr Harris looked at Lucas who just shrugged.
"I do NOT understand you kids and violence!" He yelled, "first you hit a harmless young lady, then he punches you for it? Blakely did you ask him to abuse Nathen?"
"Nope, I did not" I said in an irritated tone.

"So why did you hit him?" Mr Harris asked Lucas. "What kind of question is that? Look at him! Doesn't just the sight of his fucking face make you wanna hit him?!"
"So you hit him because of his face?"

"I hit him because he slapped her!"
"So you saw him hit someone, and you didn't like that, because I'm assuming you don't think it's right to hit someone yes?"
Lucas nodded.
"Then your solution was to hit him...what?"

"He deserves it!"
"Regardless! Unless you can give me a good reason why I shouldn't suspend you RIGHT NOW, you can go call your parents".
Nathen said something under his breath and Mr Harris looked at him, "you too, we do not tolerate any form of abuse at this school!"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I'd been abused by them for the past 3 years 'at this school' and the abuse seemed pretty tolerated by the teachers.
"Something to say Ms Wood?"
"No. Nothing" I mumbled.
"Alright then, anything else?"
None of us said anything. "You can leave".
Nathen got up and rushed out of the room. There was no way he cared about school that much, he was probably just salty he didn't win.

"So no thank you?" Lucas asked as I walked quickly down the hallway. "Thank you?" I laughed without any humor. "You're welcome".
"God! You are so full of it Lucas! You treat me like absolute trash for a pretty large chunk of my life, then say you're gonna 'try change' but go back to being an asshole 3 days later, and you think that YOU of all people are in the position to defend me? The only person I need defending from right now, is you! So if that's your new part time job why don't you keep yourself away from me and out of my life".
Then with that I sped away from him.

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