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I was in a pretty bitter mood for the rest of the day and I didn't do a very good job at hiding it. I had French and History with Lucas at the end of the day, but I made sure to steer clear of him, and I think he knew better than to talk to me.

I didn't see Emma again when I was walking out of school, but Chris did come up to me when I got to my car. "Hey fat ass" he said leaning against my back door. I rolled my eyes and gave him a sidewards glance before pulling my door open.

"It was irony you Ethiopian" he laughed.
"That's not funny" I said getting into my car. I liked Chris, truly, I did. But sometimes he made jokes or just said things that were insensitive and immature, it was the same with Lucas as well. At first I tried to correct them, but I figured out nothing was changing pretty quickly, so I just gave up.

"It's pretty funny" he snickered.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked tugging my seatbelt on. "I mean, you can tell me why you're so pissed today".
"I'd rather not" I said attempting to close the door. Chris put his foot out between the door and the car, causing me to jam the door against his foot.

"Shit Blakely!" He exclaimed pulling his leg away. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I gasped clicking my seatbelt off. I jumped out of the car and tried to help him as best I could.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Oh no! Does it- you're- I'm- oh my god! Is it broken?" I asked shakily.

He stood on it slowly and winced slightly as his whole weight rested on his foot.
"You're lucky" he said with a smile that was obviously forced, "it's not too bad. I'll live".
"Are you sure? I can take you to the hospital" I offered staring at his foot. I couldn't see how it actually looked because he was wearing his shoes, and I was tempted to make him sit and take them off so I could make a full examination.

"Oh you know what, now that you say that I think it might actually be broken. You know, I bet it's hanging by a single vain. I'm probably going to need to get my whole leg amputated" he teased.
"Shut up" I smiled looking back up at him.
"A smile!" He grinned.

I sighed and pulled my hair back into a tight ponytail, "can I drive you home?"
"I wish, but I brought my car" he nodded in the direction of a black Ford Fiesta.
"Ok, well...I should probably go, I have to meet up with my dad. Was there anything you wanted to talk about?" I asked with less venom than I had the first time.

"Yeah there was" he nodded, "I just wanted to see how you were after what Lucas did".
I frowned and folded my arms, "what did Lucas do?"

"Outside your English class. Everyone was saying he practically groped you. God, I don't know what he was thinking! I'm so sick of him, Nathen and even Alex treating you like a thing!" Chris said shaking his head.

"Wait...people were talking about that?"
"Well yeah. He did it smack bang in the middle of the hallway...I probably shouldn't have said 'smack bang' on this topic huh".
"Chris" I laughed shaking my head, "first of all, no you shouldn't have. Second of all, Lucas was just being Lucas, and I mean...I'm not mad about it".

Chris stared at me with his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open for long enough that I began to feel uncomfortable.
"What?" I asked.
"I was right" he squinted his eyes and stared even harder.

"This is weird, what are you talking about?" I asked. "You like him!"
I gasped and slapped my hand over Chris' mouth, "I do not! And there are people everywhere! Like, could you be any louder?!"
He moved my hand and went on with his ridiculous revelation in a quieter voice.

"You like him Blakely. All the time you two have been spending together, you guys share more secrets than he and I or even you and Emma do, he basically fucked you against the wall, and you don't mind! There's no way you're not into him!"

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