Why do you care?

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Every single other seat was taken except the ones in the back row

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Every single other seat was taken except the ones in the back row. Nathan and Lucas walked in last as usual and Lucas stared at me for an uncomfortably long time before sitting right next to me.

I couldn't think of a single way my day could get any worse.

Luckily though, Nathen and Lucas weren't as loud and annoying as usual. I mean they were loud and annoying, but it wasn't as bad as other days.
But then again, maybe they were and I just didn't notice, I was half asleep the entire time Ms Smith was talking, I had no clue what she or anyone else was talking about.
I finally completely blacked out, only to by woken up by a loud voice next to my ear.

"Blakely Wood!"
I jumped and hit my head on the wall behind me.
"Ow" I groaned with my eyes shut tightly.
The entire class laughed. I opened my eyes and looked at Ms Smith who was standing above me with her arms folded, "did you do the homework last night?"
"We had homework?" I asked sleepily.
"Yes we did. Did you do it?"
"Well I didn't know about it, so what do you think?" I mumbled. I didn't realize what I was saying until it was too late.

I thought I'd said it in my head but apparently I was so tired my filter disappeared.
Everyone laughed again but Ms Smith did not look impressed. "Under normal circumstances I would be giving you a detention-"
I gasped, sat up straight and payed more attention. I'd never had a detention in my entire life, that couldn't happen!
"Settle down and let me finish. Because you're usually so alert and respectful I'll let you off with a warning. This better be a one off" Ms Smith said sternly.

"It is" I nodded, "I'm sorry".
Ms Smith handed me my book that'd fallen onto the floor before walking back to the front of the class. I sighed and sunk into my chair. I needed to pull myself together.

Just as I began paying attention there was a note slid across to my table. I looked at Lucas who just nodded at the note then pretended to pay attention to Ms Smith.

I sighed again and unfolded the note.

What's up with you? Crying, band shirts and jeans now sleeping in class?? Damn shrimp!

I shoved the note into my pocket and didn't respond. I didn't owe him anything. Especially not my personal life story.

The bell rang a few minutes later and I quickly packed up my things then rushed out of class, I had business with Emma next which I was really looking forward to. She was the only person left on this planet I didn't feel insanely uncomfortable around.

She was sitting at our usual spot and grinned when she saw me. I went over and sat next to her, "I designed poster backgrounds for your campaign" she grinned holding her phone up in my face.
The background was really nice, but I wasn't really expecting her to have done that.
"Why'd you do that?" I asked.
"I'm your campaign manager" she smiled, "you wanna get posters out before anyone else. People will REALLY notice you then, but if you're like third or even second, people are gonna be over it and they're not gonna care as much. We're doing a photo shoot at my house after school".

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