Lucas and Blakely

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Some people really thought the story was over in the last chapter😂 HAHAHAHAHA guys when the story's over you'll know okay? Trust me, it's not done yet!!!

"You're blowing this way out of proportion. So I cut my hair, big deal. It doesn't mean I've lost my mind" I insisted, well aware that's exactly what it meant.
"If I didn't know you better I might believe that" he rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry I wasn't there this weekend. A lot happened on Friday, I shouldn't have left you to deal with it alone".

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "Lucas, your dad just got out of prison, I can handle my dramas on my own".
He raised an eyebrow then nodded at my hair, "can you?"

I sighed and rested my head back against the brick exterior of our school. This was the same place Lucas had dragged me the first time he'd shown any hint of kindness towards me. I never would have imagined back then that in a few months he would mean so much to me.

"I just...I didn't feel like me with my long hair. I don't know, I guess I realized how much everything changed this morning, including me, and I figured it was probably time to add my hair to the list" I answered honestly, "it's either that or I've just lost my mind".

Lucas smiled and sat down across from me. He looked uncomfortable with his legs crossed under him, I had to try hard not to laugh. "I could've told you that you've lost your mind ages ago" he teased.
"I'm sure you probably already have at some point" I laughed.

The left side of his mouth lifted into an adorable crooked smile before he let it drop again, "so what did you do all weekend, now that exams are over and I'm not-"
"At my feet 24/7?" I finished for him with a grin. He'd been there to distract me every moment of the past few weeks when I needed it, and somehow he never seemed to get sick of me.
"Don't be ridiculous" Lucas rolled his eyes before continuing, "I'm still at your feet 24/7".

"Oh you are?" I laughed to hide my blush. I knew he was joking but it still made me giddy when he said things like that.
He grinned and nodded, "I kind of enjoy it".
"That sounds like a foot fetish thing" I teased.

"Wow" Lucas grimaced, "and I was just trying to be nice".
"And now we know why you don't do that" I laughed. Lucas pretended to be mad for a moment longer before he gave in and laughed along with me. "Is this what you did all weekend? Talk shit?" He smiled shaking his head.

"Not really, I was home all weekend" I laughed, "barely left the house so I couldn't really find anyone to talk to".
"I'm sorry I wasn't there" Lucas apologized for the millionth time. I had to lean across to him and place my hand over his mouth before he continued, "you have nothing to be sorry for. You were dealing with more important stuff" I removed my hand from his mouth before continuing, "speaking of which, how did that go?"

Lucas sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "I'd rather not talk about that right now".
I chewed on my lip and watched his expression for any sign that he was just trying to keep the attention on me for my benefit. He stared back at me and his expression didn't change. "Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm sure" he nodded, "I just don't want to think about it for a few hours. Tell me something crazy that'll get my mind off it".

I sighed and threw my hands up, "like what?"
"Oh yeah, that's right. You spent the whole weekend sitting at home alone, nothing interesting could've happened to you" Lucas teased with a laugh.

I would've laughed along and told him to shut up, or something along those lines, had I not remembered that what he said wasn't entirely true. Something unexpected had happened over the weekend, but it was also something I'd promised Chris I wouldn't tell Lucas. Although, that was also before Chris admitted he'd thought I was implying that I would date him as well as Lucas.

The split second between what Lucas' said and my forced smile was more than enough time for him to figure out something was off.
"What?" He frowned, I responded with a shrug.
"Did something interesting happen?" Lucas asked.

I folded my arms and rested the back of my head against the brick building, "no" I lied pathetically. Lucas said nothing and somehow that was enough to crack me. It was probably so easy because I really wanted to tell him. I felt weird keeping it a secret, in fact, the more I thought about how I'd suggested to keep it from Lucas, the sicker I felt. Even though it technically wasn't any of Lucas' business who Chris liked, it still had something to do with him.

"Yes" I sighed looking him in the eyes. He raised an eyebrow and waited silently. I couldn't imagine what he thought this could possibly be. Maybe he'd guessed that Chris liked me? Maybe he was more observant than I was.

"I went to see Chris on Saturday..." I began slowly. Lucas' jaw tightened which wasn't a good sign given that wasn't the worst part of it all. "He looked really upset at the party on Friday and I didn't get a chance to find out what was going on, so I went to talk to him" I explained quickly, hoping it'd help Lucas relax a little.

He just nodded and remained silent, as if he knew there was more.
"So...long story short" I mumbled deciding it was probably best to keep all the details out, "Chris told me that he has a bit of a crush on me" I tried my best to downplay it as much as possible without it becoming a lie.
"He told you that?" Lucas raised an eyebrow.
I nodded to refrain from saying anything that would make this sound worse than it was, I was really bad with words lately so I didn't want to cause anymore trouble.

Lucas' expression remained unchanged, "and what did you say?"
Was it bad that I could barely remember? I'd been so shocked and confused that it was almost impossible for me to formulate a coherent sentence, let alone remember it.
"I mean...the gist of it was that I'm not interested because I have a crush of my own on someone else".

Lucas' smile after I said that made my heart flutter. I grinned and waited for him to say something.
"You have a crush on someone else? What the hell are you doing with me then, Blakely!" He joked. Any trace of seriousness was wiped off his face. This was how a lot of serious conversations with Lucas ended. It was one of the things I loved about him but it also got very annoying because it seemed to only happen when he wanted to avoid how he really felt.

"I'm a born player, what can I say" I joked flatly, playing along with his aversion.
"Well I can't say I blame him" Lucas sighed. "I'm not all that, Lucas" I rolled my eyes. I truly had no idea what the two of them saw in me, I wasn't pretty, my body was a windscreen wiper and personality wise...well, I thought I was pretty boring. The amount of times Chris and Lucas had talked to me like I was something special over the past couple of days was starting to feel like a joke.

He opened his mouth, and given his expression it was probably to argue, but he was interrupted by the bell. I pushed off the ground onto my feet but Lucas remained sitting. "Come on, class time" I ordered.
He stared up at me thoughtfully for a moment before shaking his head, "I don't feel like it. Let's go make out".

"Lucas" I groaned ignoring the butterflies in my tummy. "Fine" he laughed at himself, "but I still don't want to go to class, what are they going to teach us? Exams are done".
He wasn't wrong, but that didn't mean we wouldn't still be marked as truant on the roll. I couldn't have anymore mess ups if I wanted to ever get into a good school.

"Well I can't miss class, Lucas. I've already been in too much trouble this semester" I sighed folding my arms, "but I don't want to go alone".
He bit down on the corner of his lip, as what I figured was an unsuccessful attempt at hiding his guilty expression then pushed up off the ground and slid his arm around my waist, "you're right. I'm sorry" he murmured against my forehead.

I felt pathetic for dragging him to class with me just because I was scared to face my entire class alone, but I really needed him. I would've felt a lot worse though, if I was forcing him to do something that wouldn't benefit him as well.
I held onto his hand and unwillingly stepped into the school and towards our first class.

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