New car

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The car wash seemed to have just about closed down while Lucas and I were gone. There were fewer cars in the parking lot when we pulled up and even less half naked people with hoses. Lucas managed to get a parking spot right in front of where everyone was. The first person I saw was Chris, he was frowning deeply at his phone while Adren was standing next to him yelling about something. It wasn't until then that I realized everyone looked upset, Sammy had her phone to her ear and was pacing up and down with her fingers through her hair.

I could almost feel the tense environment as soon as I got out of the car. Lucas and I exchanged looks before walking towards the almost unrecognizable group of teenagers. They were all dressed and frowning, no fun was being had anymore.

The first person the spot us was Sammy. She stopped speaking to whoever she had been on the phone with then rushed over to Lucas and I, before I could even mutter a hello, she was yelling. "Tell me you have the money!"
I looked at Lucas who looked just as confused as I felt then back at Sammy, "why would I have the money?"
"Aw fuck" she groaned running her hands down her face, "they don't fucking have it!" She yelled over her shoulder. Everyone else was now glaring at us. I frowned then paid my attention back to Sammy, "what's going on?"

"Maybe if you hadn't been off god knows where, you would know! Or even better yet, none of this would be happening!" Sammy yelled, "god! You two are supposed to be the school captains, remember that?! You have a responsibility to EVERYONE at the school, not just the nuns and the dorks!"

"Sammy, can you stop yelling and just explain what the hell is going on?" Lucas asked shaking his head. "You really are clueless aren't you?" Adren spoke up. She, Chris and a few of the cheerleaders had made their way closer to Lucas and I. "The money was taken. All of it" she explained, "and it was all while you" She jabbed a manicured finger in my direction, "were supposed to be watching it".

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Chris who had his arms folded and looked both uninterested and annoyed at the same time, "the money was taken?"
"Yep! And it's your fault! We just lost over $1000 because you had to run off to wherever you were with Lucas!" Adren shouted stepping closer towards me.

I looked around at the pissed off and heartbroken faces then rested my eyes on Sammy, "I am so sorry" I said sincerely, "I should've been here".
"You think that is going to cut it? Blakely, State comps is something my squad has worked on literally all year! I know what you think of us, that we're all stupid sluts who have no future, and that the shit we care about doesn't matter, but being a nerd doesn't make you superior! All you've done ever since we came to you with any sort of idea for a fundraiser idea is roll your eyes and make snarky comments! It's so obvious you don't care about this!" This wasn't Sammy being mean or just trying to upset me, this was Sammy being honest. Everything she said was true.

"I-I don't know what to say...I am so sorry Sammy, I never wanted this to h-"
"Oh bullshit!" She yelled, "Do you even know what everyone says about you?! You're not innocent! You're not the victim either! That's why everyone picks on you! Because no one likes a fake bitch! YOU'RE the bully! You're the one who ruins things! You TP Nathen's house, you roll your eyes when any of us say something in class, you make us girls out to be sluts and you just up and left a fundraiser that meant a lot to us! I don't even know what your problem is! Are you just jealous that some of us don't look like 12 year old boys? You're not fooling anyone with the oversized clothes Blakely! Everyone can see you're an anorexic, curve-less little virgin!"

"Okay that's enough!" Lucas yelled stepping forward. I wanted to tell him not to defend me, but I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything. Sammy was right about me, I was always playing the victim, I'd always looked at them as terrible people and that then made me the terrible person.

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