Figured out

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2 weeks had passed.

2 weeks since I nominated myself for junior school captain and shaded the most popular girl in school in front of the entire junior class.
2 weeks since I found out Lucas Everett worked at a small coffee shop I loved but didn't want anyone to know. 2 weeks since both Emma and I drew enough attention to ourselves to last a lifetime and 2 weeks since we took the photos for my poster.

There was one week left until elections. My posters were up and had been for a week, Adren's were up too but Karen hadn't put anything up. I had a feeling that was on Adrens orders.

I felt so strange walking through the hallways and seeing my face with a VOTE BLAKELY FOR JUNIOR SCHOOL CAPTAIN caption on a poster everywhere. People from all grades would stare or even talk to me. Asking things like, 'are you new? I've never noticed you until now' 'why would you go against Adren? Are you crazy?' 'How are you gonna live with the embarrassment of loosing to Adren?'

It didn't really instill a lot of confidence in me, but I had Emma to do that 24/7 for me. Even though I was scared out of my mind, the elections were a good distraction from what was going on at home. I hadn't seen my dad with his girlfriend again, but he'd officially moved out of the house.

I could tell it hurt my mother so much more than she let on, and I never knew what to say. I hadn't really known what to say to either of my parents in a while.

Lucas and friends on the other hand. I had A LOT to say to them, but I never did. They all continued to harass me pretty much every day, it was as if they took turns sitting with Emma and I, or just following me through the hallway.

"Blakely?" Emma said snapping her fingers.
I came back to reality and looked at her, "yeah?"
"We need to work on your notes for the debate, are you even listening?"
"Yeah totally" I nodded shifting my head so I wasn't leaning on the library books anymore.
"So what do you think?"
"I think that's great" I smiled nodding.
"What did I say?"
"You were talking about...what I could say for the speech" I guessed.
"And that is?"

"I have a dream?"
"Ok" Emma mumbled packing her things up, "I'm gonna go get a muffin, let me know when you actually care".
"Wha-I do care!" I called after her, but she just ignored me and walked away.
I sighed and rested my head against the wall behind me.

"I have a dream?" Someone chuckled in front of me, I looked up a little and Lucas was standing with his arms folded in front of me.
"Not today" I groaned.
"What? I'm just making conversation" he shrugged sitting down across from me where Emma had been.

"Please, Lucas? Not today".
"Didn't sleep again last night?"
I shook my head. It'd been like that for a while now. I just couldn't sleep in my house. I could anywhere else, but not my own house.
Lucas didn't say anything for a while and for a moment I thought he was actually going to leave. Yeah I wasn't that lucky.

"You know this is where you were crying before" he pointed out.
"I wasn't crying" I lied.
"And I've never been to a party" he laughed.
"Well so what if I was? You made it pretty clear you don't care".
"I didn't, I don't" he said, "but there's a difference between caring and being curious".
"You can't be curious if you don't care".
"Well, I'm sure you're curious about someone like...Tutankhamen, but you probably don't care about him".

"I am curious, and I do care, he seems like a good guy".
"He married his half sister and cousin" Lucas laughed. "No he didn't" I frowned, "he married 'the younger lady'".
"That was his mom, but I wouldn't be surprised" Lucas smiled, "he married Ankhesenamun or however you pronounce it".

I pulled out my phone and searched it up (something I never usually had to do) and to my absolute shock, Lucas was right. Lucas sit at the back and throw spit balls at innocent kids in front of him during history Everett, was right.

"How did you know that?" I asked, "you even pronounced her name perfectly".
"Good guess" he shrugged. I actually laughed.
Even though I didn't like it, I was getting more and more used to having Lucas around. I was even starting to get comfortable around him. I talked to him, just because I felt like I should. I still didn't like him, I still thought it was disgusting the way he spoke to people, but I didn't have much choice but to talk to him. It'd be a bit awkward if I just scowled him every time he was around. Emma on the other hand didn't feel the same. She hated having Lucas or any of the other boys around and she made sure they know it.

He grinned and poked my arm, "you're actually almost likable when you laugh".
He said things like that about my laugh a lot, I didn't freak out or swoon like most other girls in my year would've though, I knew basically any compliment that came out of his mouth was either not really a compliment, a way to get in your pants or a messed up way of teasing you.

"So how's your campaign going?" I asked ignoring his comment. "I don't need to do any campaigning" he shrugged.
"Why's that?" I asked rolling my eyes.
"I'm Lucas Everett" he said in a duh time.

"And Lucas Everett gets everything he wants" I mumbled rolling my eyes.
"Coming from you?" Lucas scoffed.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You've got the perfect little life. Your parents love you, you're all one happy little family and you're they're brainy straight A daughter" he explained almost spitefully.

"Is that a fact?" I asked.
"Yes, it is" he nodded.
"Well, looks like you've got me completely figured out, so we don't need to be talking at all" I said packing up the books I was borrowing and my phone.
I got up and left without looking back.

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