Central park

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Emma and I studied the Persian wars until a time in the night that I didn't even know existed. I ended up falling asleep across the end of her bed and she laid sprawled across the whole top half of the bed with her legs on my tummy.

It wasn't until 7:30am that I woke up with bruises that were forming on my rib cage, curtesy of Emma. I rolled out from under her and landed on the floor with a small thud. Emma didn't flinch, so I figured she was still in a pretty deep sleep. My mom had probably figured out where I was, but just to be safe I checked my phone for any missed calls or texts. There was one text, but it wasn't from my mother, it was from an unknown number and had been sent last night. I opened it hesitantly and was very confused when I read it to myself.

Uh, hey. You told me to text you on this number? I know it's late but I just wanted to ask if you wanted to do something later tomorrow, just so we can actually get to know each other haha. Let me know what you think :)

"What" I frowned to myself staring down at the text. I quickly wrote back the only reply that I could think off.

I think you have the wrong number.

They replied straight away.

Isn't this Blakely?

I felt the blood rush through every available vain in my body and prickle up my neck and cheeks. Emma was lying right in front of me sleeping peacefully as is she weren't a living embodiment of pure evil. I would have words with her as soon as she woke up.
I sighed and wrote back quickly.

Yes, this is me. Sorry haha

I didn't feel like over text was the best way to break it to him that I had not asked him out and I wasn't interested.

Don't say sorry, lol my text was pretty vague. What are you doing up at 7:30 on a Sunday?

So we were making conversation now? I sighed and shoved Emma's feet to the their side of the bed so I could sit down to text him back.

I have no idea. And you?

He again, took less than a minute to reply.

Well I'm working :/

I quickly added his name to my contacts before replying, if we were going to have a whole conversation it probably made sense I remembered his name.

Me: Ohhhh Starbucks. Yikes

Ryan: What do you mean yikes?!

Me: Hahaha nothing I'm sorry

Ryan: because if I recall correctly I first met you driving through Starbucks

Me: You got me there :)

Ryan: I'm sorry if I weirded you out a little, probably wasn't cool to stare at you then call you beautiful after 5 seconds of meeting you

Me: don't apologize, it was sweet :)

Ryan: is that why you finally texted me? I thought I'd scared you off

A huge pang of guilt suddenly hit me. Judging from the few text messages we'd exchanged, Ryan seemed like a sweet guy. I really wished that I liked him or wanted to like him but I didn't. I wasn't interested in dating him or anyone for that matter. Unfortunately Emma pretending to be me had made him think otherwise. I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth, if he were me I would feel so embarrassed and hurt, especially over text.

Me: you didn't scare me :)

it wasn't a lie either.

Ryan: I'm glad
Ryan: so you never answered, do you want to hang out today? Just so it's not awkward at the dance?

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