Councilor's office

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I tapped my fingers against my thigh to the beat of the clock as I waited anxiously for someone to come see me.

I'd been to the office many times in the past month, but today I was particularly nervous because I had no clue what it could possibly be about.

I wasn't due to see Mr Harris today, I was seeing the school councilor. When one of the women at the front desk had told me that, I sensed a bit of judgement from her, but it was probably all in my head.

I checked the clock again. It hadn't even been a minute since I last checked it. My palms were beginning to sweat and my hands were starting to tire from tapping over and over on my leg.

"Blakely Wood".

"Yes" I stood up a bit too quickly and turned my head to where the voice had come from.
I wasn't particularly familiar with the councilor. Everyone at school had been assigned to a different councilor, mine was usually Mr Wright, but I hadn't seen him since sophomore year.

I usually tried to avoid talking to people who didn't know me about my personal life, especially people who were paid to do so.

"Come this way sweetie" the short raven haired woman wearing a dark navy blouse and a pair of bright pink slacks smiled at me.
I wasn't the most fashionable person, and I usually tried not to judge, especially considering what I was wearing. But that combination was horrific. I got the impression she was trying to seem approachable and 'down with the kids'.

I'd read somewhere that teachers, especially councilor's were encouraged to dress in more colorful clothing to make students feel warm. Unfortunately, her outfit just made me feel very uncomfortable.

I followed her to the end of a short hallway with 'Mrs Hatchet' printed in white small letters on the glass part of the door.

She let me in then closed the door behind her and sat across from me on the other side of a massive desk.

"Sorry if I took you away from your lunch honey. I'm Mrs Hatchet, I'm your newly assigned councilor" she gave me an inviting smile. One that I was sure she'd practiced before in the mirror.

"Nice to meet you...what happened to Mr Wright?" I sounded a lot ruder than I'd intended when I asked. I did have a little bit of prejudice against councilor's, I thought it was rich that people who had never met me before, and who had been a teenager in a completely different time thought they could understand me based on a couple of conversation.

No amount of study could ever cover every single human mind in the world, especially not mine. I didn't even understand how my mind worked, I mean I was covering for a guy who had spent almost his entire life making my life hell and fighting with everyone who I loved. How does one explain that?

"He resigned a couple of weeks back. Im assuming you haven't seen your councilor in a while, otherwise you'd know that, huh?" She looked up from her notes at me for a short moment.

"In fact, it says here you haven't had a guidance councilor meeting in over a year" She pulled her head back from the pages and raised an eyebrow, "you do have good grades however. Straight A's since freshman year".

"Yep" I nodded looking around the room nervously. She hadn't given me any indication as to why I'd been called here yet and it was starting to bug me.

As if she read my mind she said "I'm sure you're wondering why I called you up here".
"Yeah, I am" I admitted shifting uncomfortably in my chair.
Mrs Hatchet slid her notes to the side in one swift movement, before folding her arms on the table and gazing at me apprehensively.
"Blakely, I'm very concerned about you" she finally said.

I didn't say anything. I wasn't sure what she meant by that or how to respond.
"You're failing History, you've missed class on more than one occasion recently, you're often late to class, causing scenes at lunch. I gotta be honest Blakely, I wouldn't be that concerned if this were a regular, C average student. But it isn't. Your goal is Yale, you're school captain, you're topping almost all of your classes. I can tell that you, Blakely, aren't a regular student which means this behavior isn't regular at all either".

Mrs Hatchet stared at me intensely as if she were expecting me to breakdown or spill everything that was going on in my life.
"I'm aware of this, and I'm working on it" I folded my arms and sat back in my chair defensively.

She looked at the papers on her desk again and shook her head slowly, "it really doesn't look like it. You vandalized a fellow students home just recently. You were charged Blakely!"
"I know, and like I said...I'm working on it" I stressed out the last part to make sure she got it this time. I didn't appreciate her judging me based on a few pieces of paper. There was nothing she could to to help so the meeting was pointless.

"Ok" she nodded, "why don't we move on to something else, or rather, someone else".
I shrugged and looked to the side so she wouldn't see the shear panic in my eyes. If she brought up Lucas and the TPing incident, I wasn't sure if I could convincingly lie about that again.

"Chris Samuels".
I frowned and looked back at her, "what about him?" "Well...there's been some rumors going around about you two seeing each other. I am aware of your past with him, and how he and his friends used to bully you. Blakely, Chris making you do things you normally wouldn't?"

"Oh geez" I laughed without any humor, "like what?" I decided to amuse the idea, just to see how far this would go.
"Like...Maybe drugs, or alcohol...I also know Chris and his friends have quite a reputation with the aren't required to answer this, but are you sleeping with h-"
"I'm gonna stop you right there" I cut her off as I stood up, "thank you for trying, but this meeting is over".

"Blakely" she stood up as well.
"Is it even legal for you to ask me something like that? Chris and I are JUST friends! Also, since when did councilors start sourcing information from stupid rumors?"

"It was just a question. Come on, why don't you sit down so we can talk properly" Mrs Hatchet suggested.
"I'd rather not thanks" I snapped before rushing out of her office and heading off to my next class.

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