He's not that bad...

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Blakely's POV
It was as if I'd been possessed. My conscious mind had no clue what the rest of me was thinking. I internally screamed at myself to stop but instead I placed my hand on the side of Lucas' face and and deepened the kiss. He kissed me back but slowly, I could feel his face scrunch up slightly, his whole body was tense, and apart from his lips, he was completely frozen.

This had never been part of the plan, the plan was to just be friends with Lucas and somehow get over him. Looking back now, that plan was probably doomed from the start. I should've known I would eventually crack and do something to give away that I liked him, I just couldn't believe it was this soon or this significant.
As if whatever was controlling me finally let me back in charge, I removed my hand and lips from Lucas then scooted as far away from him as I could get so I wouldn't do something stupid like that again.

Lucas' eyes opened slowly and he stared at me with an unreadable expression. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. What do you say after you kiss someone? I had no clue, I'd never done this before, I'd never even imagined that I would be able to initiate a kiss, especially with Lucas.

"I'm sorry" I finally muttered.
"I should get to class" Lucas said, then before I knew it he was out of the car and walking towards the school. I stared after him with my mouth slightly open. I had ruined everything.
Once I couldn't see Lucas anymore, I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach and that feeling was like a switch that triggered the tears which formed in my eyes. I refused to blink and let them fall. I couldn't cry, I knew I would look back at this moment in the future and be angry at myself for being so soft if I did.

The record player was still in the back seat and the disk was still on the passenger seat where Lucas had been about 2 minutes ago. Why did I have to ruin everything by kissing him? He was gone now and I didn't know when he would talk to me next.

I didn't realize how long I'd been sitting in my car staring at nothing, until I heard the bell for the end of first period go. I should've gone to class but I didn't. Instead I shoved my key into the ignition then twisted it with an unnecessary amount of force. I knew exactly where I was going and it wasn't to class.

Traffic was heavy that morning, it was Monday and the sky was overcast so I guess that made sense, people needed to get to their jobs and schools before they were rained on. Before it could blast anything at me, I turned my radio off, I didn't want to hear it.

Finally, the car in front of me began moving at a solid speed. Before I lost my chance, I turned into a street I knew wouldn't be busy then took the usually long rout to Emma's house.
She wasn't back at school yet and I knew she wouldn't leave the house in this weather.

I finally pulled into her driveway and I didn't hesitate when I jumped out of my car and marched up to her door. Normally I would've just walked in, but for some reason I felt as thought knocking was more appropriate.

It took a few seconds for Emma to open the door, she was dressed in a pair of navy blue Canterbury pants and a black singlet with her hair in a high ponytail and secured with a white scrunchie. "Blakely" she looked surprised to see me, and at first I didn't understand why but then I remembered it was 9:30am on a school day. "Hey Em, I hope it's not a bad time" I said nervously.
"What are you talking about, of course it isn't!" She exclaimed, "I've missed you so much".

She pulled me into a hug and and I hugged her back just as tightly as she squeezed me. "It feels like it's been ages since I last saw you" I said when we separated. "That's because it has! I'm glad you're here but since when did you start skipping school?" Emma walked into her house and I followed closing the door behind me.

"Oh this is a new thing" I said, "I just really missed you. I wanted to talk to you right away".
"Well I'm glad you came over. We need to catch up" Emma said dropping onto one of the two couches in the living room.
I sat down across from her and nodded slowly, "how are you doing after...you know".
Emma stared at me with an unchanged expression then shuffled to an upright sitting position, "it's not easy" she finally admitted.

"I know" I sighed, "Em I wish there was something I could do to help".
"There isn't" she said simply, "that's life, right? The only certain thing about it is death". "Well I'm here for you, even thought I can't really help, I'm here" I promised.
"Thanks B" she clearly forced a smile then cleared her throat, "let's talk about something else shall we?"

I knew she was still upset but I wouldn't push her to talk about it if she didn't want to. "Yeah sure, like how frustrating helping you catch up is gonna be" I suggested.
"Maybe not" Emma bit her lip before continuing, "how about boys?".
"Boys?" I raised an eyebrow, "when do we ever talk about boys?"
"Um, when you're friends with Lucas Everett, how can we not talk about boys".

"Oh my gosh, Emma" I sighed. It was as if she had read my mind some how, why else would she bring that up? "You said we would talk about it! So let's talk". "What is there to say?" I asked, "were friends and it's unexpected but so be it".
"So is that all you guys are?" Emma asked, "there's nothing more going on?"

I paused a beat before answering and that was enough for Emma to jump off her seat, "Blakely!" She yelled. "We're not dating, or anything" I sighed.
"No, but you're not just friends either! Are we talking about the same guy here? This is Lucas Everett who cut like 6 inches of your hair off, Lucas Everett who called you shrimp for over 10 years, Lucas Everett who pushed you into the lake at school camp when he found out you can't swim, Lucas Everett who stole your homework more than once! How do you have any sort of romantic relations with him?!" Emma exclaimed.

"I don't know!" I yelled back. I never yelled. Ever. So naturally, Emma was shocked. She sat back down and stared at me as I continued. "I don't like liking him Emma! I hate it! I wish I could just be friends with him but life doesn't work that way and now I've ruined everything!"

"What are you talking about?" Emma asked with a frown. Now it was my turn to loose my confidence. I scooted back in my seat and stared down at my hands. "Blakely" Emma pressed.
"I kissed him" I mumbled, "about 30 minutes ago at school. I kissed Lucas".
Emma didn't say anything. She just stared as if she were waiting for the punchline. I hadn't gone to her place to talk about what happened, I went to forget about it and focus on Emma.

"You...kissed him?" She asked slowly.
I didn't say anything, just a short nod answered her question. "Blakely why" Emma sighed, "why would you do that?"
"I don't know" I answered truthfully.
Emma pulled her bottom lip between her lips and scrunched her eyebrows together, "this needs to stop" she said.
I didn't respond.
"You need to get over Lucas! As your best friend I can't allow you to do this to yourself!" She continued.
"Emma he's not that bad" I finally said.
"Oh no, he's worse" Emma argued, "Lucas is the scum of this earth! He's a disgusting person with deeply rooted issues! I can not believe you like that".

"Okay, just stop" I mumbled. "No!" Emma yelled, "Lucas is a horrible person and you're an idiot if you don't see it!"
"He's not that bad!" I had to defend him, he'd been too good to me for me to simply agree with Emma.
"You shouldn't even be friends with him!"
"That's enough, Emma" I said firmly. "No, there are no amount of words that could describe how horrible Lucas is, it'll never be enough" she snapped standing up again.

"Okay, I need to go" I decided standing up as well. I couldn't handle this, not right now.
"I'm sorry if I'm making you upset Blakely but you just don't see it! Lucas is still the same person he's always been!" She followed me all the way to the door. I didn't have anything to respond so I just incoherently mumbled "whatever" then I rushed to the car with my head down.

I officially had no one else to go to.

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