Go with the flow

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Neither Lucas or Ms Dimsley came back downstairs before I finished, so I decided to wash up and pack the leftovers away for them. I felt bad for making Lucas angry, it was the least I could do. When I was done I took my books and went back up to my room.

I sat at the desk rather than on the floor this time and forced myself to read over the section in the text book called 'women in Sparta'. It just wasn't that interesting to me. I felt myself become more and more frustrated as I went on.

I will admit, I did cry about 3 times. I realized I was probably getting my period very very soon, soon enough that I went to the bathroom to to check what was going on, and sure enough, it was beginning.

I had zero supplies, and while I really liked and trusted Ms Dimsley, I felt way to weird asking for these sorts of supplies.
I couldn't just stay in her clothes while I was on my period without something. I decided to grab my car keys and snuck out of my room, I was quiet going down the stairs, it was almost perfect until a floor board creaked under me. I froze and waited for someone to come out of their room and question me, but when no one did, I continued downstairs.

When I hit the floor the living room light switched on frightening me so much I squealed and fell onto my butt.

I slapped my hand over my mouth and looked around for whoever had turned the light on, I didn't have to look for long, Lucas' laugh gave him away. He was standing besides the couch with a glass of water.

He was just in a pair of grey slacks. Nothing else, his hair was slightly disheveled making it look better than it usually did. I found myself thinking things that I never usually did when I realized just how good he looked.

My hormones, ladies and gentlemen.

"That was mean" I said getting up, I dusted off the back of my pants and glared at him at the same time, it probably looked really ridiculous, but somehow he managed to stop laughing.

"Where are you going?" He asked looking at my keys I had stashed in my pocket but we're now half hanging out after the fall.
I shoved my keys back into my pocket before answering, "I wanna go pick up some clothes, I forgot today and I need something to wear to bed" it wasn't a complete lie. In fact, it wasn't a lie at all, I just didn't add the part about needing tampons.

"Oh, well I'm sure I've got something you can wear to bed, then you can go get your clothes tomorrow before school. It's almost 1am, not the best time to be driving" Lucas said walking towards me. "Well yeah, but...no" I argued lamely. "Yeah but no?" He raised an eyebrow and folded his arms when he got to me.

"Just don't worry. I need to go tonight, I'll be fine" I walked around him and went to the door. "Blakely" he said following me.
"I'll be back soon, ok? Just let me go" I tried to open the door but he stuck his foot out to keep it closed.
"What am I, a hostage now?" I sighed.
"No" he said, "I wouldn't care if you weren't acting so sketchy, you could be going out to pick up a gun and kill me and my mom with it".

"I'm not sketchy" I rolled my eyes.
"Then can I come?"
"Why not?"
"Lucas stop making this hard for me" I whined like an actual child. "Tell me what you're really doing and I'll leave you alone...probably" he said. I sighed and rolled my eyes, "it's nothing malicious or interesting, especially to you" I added the last part quietly but his expression suggested he heard me.

"Can you just tell me Blakely? I don't see the big deal".
I bit my lip thoughtfully, there was really only one option, "you can come with me" I mumbled.
"Ok" he smiled, "wait here".

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