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Hiiii! I know I've been doing this a lot recently😂 like writing something at the start of my chapters, feel free to skip it cause I guarantee you it's gonna be stupid and cringe. I basically just wanted to explain to you guys why my chapters are so terrible and why I'm taking longer than 3 days to upload all the damn time, I've just been in this weird funk where I can't do anything. I love this story but I guess I have writers block, I do have pre written chapters but I don't even know if I like them! I've been really questioning myself in everything lately lol, I think there's something very wrong with me😂 I'm so so sorry, I know my reasons are dumb, believe me, I know. Thank you for reading it anyway and voting when you do. I GENUINELY get so excited when I open Wattpad and see I got a new notification from someone voting on my story, it's what motivated me to get this chapter up. Anyway, if you've read all this I love you😂 I don't know what that was, but thanks. Enjoy!!!!

Lucas' POV
"Hey Lukie" Adren smiled looping her arm through mine. We had the same class and usually sat together but recently I didn't like being anywhere near her. She was extremely annoying and weirdly touchy.
"Don't call me Lukie" I frowned finding my seat at the back of the class. She kept her arm connected to mine as she sat down next to me and dragged her seat closer to mine.

"What do you want me to call you?" She murmured close to my ear. I raised an eyebrow and turned my head to look at her. Her face was only about an inch from mine and she was staring at my lips, "I'd rather you didn't talk to me at all" I said sliding my arm out of her grasp and moving my chair over to the far end of the table.

"What's your problem?" Adren scoffed. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms on the table, "nothing, you're just really annoying".
Adren laughed humorlessly and shook her head, "Chris said the same thing yesterday".
"Maybe you should take a hint then" I suggested. "Weirdly enough though, Alex and Nathen haven't said anything" she said ignoring me.

"That is weird" I nodded, "cause you're really fucking annoying". "Or maybe they just haven't been brainwashed by shrimp yet" Adren mumbled as our teacher walked into the class, "seems like the bitch doesn't know how to take a warning".

"I'm gonna need you to leave Blakely alone, Adren" I said looking at her for the first time since she got close to my face.
"Alright everyone! Quiet down please!" Mr Harlan called clapping twice.
I looked back to the front and Adren sat back in her seat and folded her arms, "she's not as innocent as everyone thinks".

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond. I was done entertaining Adren's crazy statements.
"The bitch TP'd Nathen's house for Christ sake" Adren continued. I frowned and looked back at Adren, "how do you know about that?"
"Nathen told me" she said in a duh tone, "his mom was PISSED". That didn't make any sense, Blakely had been in the car the entire time, while I on the other hand was running across the street. There's no way Nathen's mom saw her without seeing me, I swear if this was just some way for Nathen to pin the whole thing on Blakely, I would beat him black and blue all over again.

"Lucas, Adren!" Mr Harrow called glaring pointedly at both of us. I leant in towards Adren and lowered my voice "how did his mom even see Blakely? She was in the car the whole time". Adren smiled thinly and turned her head so her face was only a couple of inches away from mine, "she saw Blakely's car, and you running away".

"So why are you making it seem like she's blaming Blakely?" I shook my head in confusion. "Because she is" Adren sighed, "and Blakely owned up so quit acting like she's a victim".
Blakely owned up? Why the hell would she do that? None of this made any sense. "You're lying" I decided.
Adren rolled her eyes and looked to the front. She didn't say anything to me for the rest of the lesson and as glad as I was about that, I was also now curious.

Short, very very short! I'm sorry but the next will be longer😊😊

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