Chapter 6

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"This will be your room," says Nikolas as he opens a door.

I walk in and the first thing I see is the chandelier hanging in my bedroom. If this room has something like that, I wonder what his looks like. Anyways, I walk further into the over-luxurious bedroom and notice that my suitcases are at the feet of the bed. At least, he has shown some respect for my privacy.

"There is a walk-in closet and a joined bathroom. If you need anything else, say it to the staff," he summarizes as he points the doors. "Do you have any questions?"

I sigh, "I am your fiancé when we are at official business party or meeting and so on, but when you don't need me, am I free to move as I please?"

"Like it is stated in the contract," he answers. There is an awkward silence before he adds "It's late, have a good night," he finishes before closing my bedroom door behind him.

Alone, I decide to explore a little bit. I have to admit that this room is actually quite beautiful. I even get the view on the pool! The wall in the back is all covered by mirrors which makes the incredibly big room even bigger. Do I really have to talk about the bathroom and the closet? Geez, this closet alone is half my apartment. No matter how hard I work, I will never be able to afford this.

Before going to sleep, I have to try that shower. Since I had seen it, I have to try it. After a hot soothing shower, I let myself fall on that super fluffy bed.

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I am woken up by a wonderful smell, but at the same time, the coldness of the room makes my nose itch. Sneezing, I peak out of the bed covers. The curtains have been parted and the sun is burning my eyes, but the smell of fresh hot coffee makes up for everything. I look at my phone and sees that it is only eight in the morning. I wonder who has been into my room this early in the morning? I do remember Nikolas mentioning about people working for him. I'll thank the person when I see him or her. Still hiding under the covers, I make my way on the other side of the bed. Stretching my arm out, I successfully kidnap the cup of coffee.

Happily sipping it, I slowly feel myself coming back to life. It is hard enough to wake up especially during cold mornings like this one. Finally ready to leave my bed, I go through my morning ritual. Today is Sunday and I am ready to get on my shopping spree. I may even get some blood today, who knows? All clothed and ready to leave, I walk out of my bedroom only to be greeted by an unknown person.

"Good morning, Sir Micah," she greets with a polite smile.

"Good morning Miss?"

"My apologies, my name is Ania," she presents herself as we exchange a handshake. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

"The pleasure is mine. Are you the one that put the coffee in my room?" I point at the door behind me.

"Yes, perhaps you will like something else instead?"

"No, not at all, I just wanted to thank you. It saved you from seeing me half-dead," I joke as she laughs.

"In that case, you should see Sir Nikolas in the morning. The difference is astounding," she whispers as if she is scared that he will hear him. I try to picture the man with a bed hair or a grumpy look which I failed. Each time I imagine him, I see him in his immaculate suit and hairstyle with a salivating scent. "In this case, will you like a cup each morning?"

"If it's not too much trouble," I nod as she smiles.

"No, not at all! Where you about to leave?" she tilts her head as she notices that I am already properly dressed.

"Yes, if Nikolas needs anything from me, please tell him to call me."

"Of course, but will you like to eat breakfast before leaving? I can fix something for you in less than fifteen minutes."

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