Chapter 32

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A few weeks have passed since the explosion and the enforcers are nowhere to be found. Apparently, Matthias' men were shadowing them, but they succeeded to blend with the crowd. So now, we are back to square one. We don't know where the enforcers are and what they plan to do. It is extremely frustrating and the worst situation that we can be in. They must already know where we live since Nikolas' family is pretty famous. They could attack in five minutes, and we wouldn't know! This is not good, not good at all.

Plus, it isn't helping that summer is coming to an end. The temperature is slowly becoming chiller with each passing day. Having to fight during winter isn't good at all. There are a lot more factors to take into account. We can't freeze to death, but our body metabolism will slowly slow down and our movements won't be as efficient. I will say that our total strength will decrease by half. There is also snow. It's hard to walk on it, and it reflects the light of the sun. I can't take it! My eyes burn so badly in the morning and my body is all heavy and sluggish. I hate winter, but it's coming faster than I thought. Also, Nikolas' house is so spacious that even if we put the heater on, we can barely feel it. Especially in the morning, the cold isn't appealing to me at all. If I could, I would hibernate until spring in the comfort and warmth of the bed. This is why I hate winter.

This is why when I saw the leaves falling from the trees this morning that I started to feel depressed. Apparently, there will be a lot of snow this year. It will be a pain in the ass. I bigger pain than the enforcers. I can't already wait for spring where all the snow will melt, and the cold air will start to get warmer. At least, this winter, I don't need to hunt for blood. Nikolas is all I need. His blood is the highest quality I ever had. It's so addicting. Damn, I am starting to salivate only by thinking about it. At least it isn't giving me an erection which I had too many times in the past. To me, my mate's blood is the nectar of the Gods, the drugs to the addicted or an oasis to those who have been wandering in the desert for many days. In other words, I can't live without it. It's so good and addicting.

Though I know that my blood has the same effect to my mate, I don't know if he is craving it as I do. I may be a special case. A vampire that gets turned on by blood. It doesn't sound too abnormal to me. Well, all my siblings do love blood, but only when it's feeding time and they aren't as picky as I am. Even Eva made fun of me in the past because of my peculiar taste. However, I have never seen a vampire that gets grossed out by the blood. If someone like that exists in this world, please have my condolences. Life must be hard.

When my mate starts to wake up from his much-needed sleep, I observe the way his nose twitches a little before sneezing. Then slowly, his eyelids flutter open. Our gaze meets each other, but he is still unfocused and hazy. With a yawn, he extends his arms above his heads before relaxing completely.

"Good morning," he greets with a sleepy smile and a hoarse voice which I find terribly sexy.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" I answer back as he cutely nods before pulling flush into his chest as he nuzzles my neck.

I purr at his action as my body melt into his. I love when he does that. Plus, it's so adorable.

"Not enough. I wish I could sleep until noon," my mate mumbles into my neck as I can feel the vibration of his voice on my shoulder.

"We can try, but Matthias will come barging in and then you guys will fight all over again," I sigh at all the past disputes that ended up in bets.

"Humph, he should learn his place already. From all the wagers, I never lost one," he answers proudly. Even if I can't see his face, I know that he is smirking like a little devil.

"So, what did you get from that poor man?"

"I got a new car, a few expensive pieces of jewelry that only my brother would wear, a watch and a few hundred thousand bucks... I think that's all?"

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