Chapter 36

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What is taking him so long to decide? It has already been two days since I proposed the idea of an alliance to Daniel. Maybe I underestimated their hate against us, vampires? If they take this long to decide, what will happen when I propose this idea to Nikolas and the other?

In addition, Daniel said he would contact my mate for me, so why the hell isn't he here yet? I wonder if he succeeded to unite with the rest of his family unharmed. The enforcers were pursuing him after all. I hope they are all alright. Especially, Matthias, he has a tendency to get more injured than the others.

Well, I decided that I won't become one with the bed while waiting for their decision. Maybe I will sneak to the kitchen to find something to chew on. I am craving something sweet. I hope they have more than raw meat in their fridge. I heard rumours that they don't go to the supermarket to purchase their food. Even so, when I open the fridge, I want to see a cake or some ice cream. Please be there.

Regrettably, there is nothing sweet inside. There is all kind of meats, some more meat and maybe a tomato? Even in their freezer, there are only frozen meat and a bag or two of veggies. Do they really eat nothing but meat? I wonder how they are not all constipated.

"What are you doing?" a young feminine voice asks.

I look over my shoulder while keeping the fridge's door open. Near the kitchen island, there is a petite woman with her hand on her hips. She has a pixie haircut with raven hair and eyes. Her eyes remember me of someone, but I am not sure who. Her tanned skin is glistening with sweat while her shirtless tank top and shorts are sticking to her body.

"Scavenging for food," I merely answer before looking back at what I can possibly consume without cooking anything.

"Mind giving me a bottle of water?" she asks while I overhear her sit down on a high chair. I grab the first water bottle I see before tossing it to her. She catches it before thanking me. "So, you must be the stranger everyone is talking about. I heard you defeated Joe. Is it true?"

"That's me and yes it's true. Wasn't even a fight," I answer as I close the fridge with a sigh. "Don't you guys have something else than raw meat?"

"Really?! He is one of the strongest warriors in the pack! I even got my ass kicked by him sometimes..." she grumbles before chugging her water down. She then sits up to throw the empty bottle in a garbage bin before taking a metal container. "We don't have much besides meat, but we have some cookies."

Cookies are not cakes or ice cream, but it'll do. As long it's sweet, I don't really mind. I sit in front of her before grabbing a chocolate chips cookie.

"It wasn't very hard. He kept charging at me. Not the most ingenious way of fighting," I munch on the baked good. "Plus, you guys are relying too much on your wolf form. It's predictable."

"How should we fight then?" she asks with a frown. "Wait, I know something better. You just have to show me!" she smiles.

"What? No, it demands too much effort," I sigh before munching on another biscuit.

"Come on, please?" she pleads as she gives me some puppy eyes.


She pouts before resting her head on her hands as she looks at the cookies. "If you train with me, I will get you any sweets you demand."

"You can't. You're not allowed to leave the pack territory without the alpha's permission. So even if I agree, you can't keep the end of our bargain."

"Don't worry about the alpha. I will handle it. So, do we have a deal?" she explains confidently as I raise an eyebrow. They must be close then.

"Fine," I sigh as I sit up and take the cooking tin before following the young werewolf.

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