Chapter 50

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I helplessly observe my father-in-law and Daniel fight against the remaining enforcers while hoping that help would hurry up their asses so my mate could get medical attention.

"Are they here yet?!" I screamed at Daniel and because of that he gets distracted and barely evade a hit.

"Fuck! Don't you see I'm busy? Damn it!" the Alpha swears as he barely evades yet another blow while trying to regain his balance.

"Answer me!" I shout once again as I can feel my nerves eating me up from the inside.

"Yes! They are on their way. Now, shut the fuck up!"

I am not happy about his answer, but I don't add anything. Even if I hate the man, I don't want him to die. He is useful. I am in no position to fight, and I don't think Michael would make it out alive if he fights alone.

I look down at my mate who is still unconscious. He seems to be drinking, but I have to cut myself every few minutes to keep my blood flowing into his mouth. However, he's not healing! How do I even get the poison out of your system?

Nikolas, please say something! It can be anything. Or you can also open your eyes, move a finger or a toe, groan a little bit, but do something damn it! Show me that you're still alive! In case you forgot, we are vampires and we don't have a fucking pulse!

I gently tap his cheek while calling his name. "Please wake up. I need you, please open your eyes," I beg with tears clouding my vision. "I can't lose you. Don't make me regret ever opening my heart to you. Please... Come back to me," I sob uncontrollably as I hug his head with my fingers locked in his hair.

"Micah, look out!" a voice suddenly screams from behind as I look up all confused.

I rapidly get jerked away as a short sword stabs where I was kneeling a few seconds ago. I take a glance at my saviour and see that it's Michael. If he got there a second later, I would have been skewered. It wouldn't have been fatal, but I am certain that the enforcer would have taken of that little detail.

"Watch out," he scolds sternly as I can only nod. "Carry my son out of the way. Help will be here in a few minutes."

"B-but he's bleeding and-" I start to protest, but he gives me one look and I immediately shut up.

He lets go of my shirt and attacks the human before pushing him away from us. Snapping out of it, I rapidly get to my leg before gently lifting my mate with his arm around my neck and shoulders. I never realized how heavy he was. At each step that I take, more blood oozes out of his wound. Don't die on me yet.

Worried, I speed up before laying him back down on the floor when we were a few meters in the forest. We should be safe here. The trees are providing some protection.

Without waiting for another second, I cut my wrist once again before pushing it against his lip. I sigh in relief as I notice his Adam's apple move. Suddenly, his body jolted as he takes a deep breath in. I notice him twitch a little before becoming still once again.

What just happened? What did I do? The poison contaminated his entire blood system. But what if I extract the contaminated blood out and replace it with mine which is clean. Will it save him? It seemed to work a few seconds ago. He gained a little bit more colour to his lips and cheeks. It is worth trying right?

"Please don't die on me," I pray as I cut an incision in his right wrist before massaging the blood out.

It is so polluted by the poison that it became black and slimy. What shocked me the most is the smell. It stinks! Once there is no black blood coming out anymore, I switch to the other arm. Both arms took me thirty minutes to do. Once it is done, I give him my blood to replace the one he lost. Then, I repeat the process with his legs.

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