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Scott McCall was riding to school on his dirt bike when two bikes suddenly appeared in front of him. He quickly glanced at both of them, recognizing them to be Ethan and Aiden. Scott quickly began to speed up, trying to outrun them. Soon enough, he did, both twin werewolves ending up being stuck behind him.

Just then, another motorcycle appeared, catching up to Scott with ease. He immediately knew it was Veronica's bike. Scott turned the corner and Veronica was still caught up to him with both the twins behind him. As he arrived at school, Veronica parked to Scott's right while Aiden parked her right and Ethan parked to Scott's left. After taking off his helmet, Veronica and the twins followed soon after, all three of them smiling innocently at Scott.

"You guys going to be doing this all day?" Scott questioned them.

"All day," Aiden replied with a smirk.

"All night," Ethan added into his brother's comment.

"Is this about the three of you being in my pack?" Scott asked them and Veronica faked being offended, placing a hand on her heart.

"Oh, course not, Scott!" Veronica replied dramatically before becoming calmer, "This is about your sorry ass being the target of demonic ninja dudes."

"You mean the demonic ninja dudes that pulled swords out of their chests and completely kicked all of our asses?" Aiden asked his sister mockingly.

"Yeah. Those demonic ninja dudes." Veronica grinned as she turned to Ethan, "What do you think, E?"

Ethan turned to her, a smile on his face, "I think I'm with you on this." He replied to her question.

"I don't need anyone to protect me," Scott argued as turned to Veronica and Aiden.

"They were looking right at you when the sun came up," Aiden told Scott, causing Veronica to shift uncomfortably in her seat. She had feeling it wasn't just Scott they were looking at, Kira, too.

"And they also disappeared." Scott added into Aiden's statement, "Argent thinks that they could just come out at night."

"Since this is our first experience with demonic ninjas, we're thinking we should play it safe," Aiden stated as Ethan nodded his head in agreement.

"All day," Ethan spoke up and Veronica couldn't help but grin at him.

"And all night," Scott sighed, finally understanding what Veronica and the twins were trying to do.


Once walking into school, Scott walked over to his locker and was soon followed by Aiden, Ethan, and a hesitant Veronica, who didn't really feel like wasting her school following around Scott when she could get be hanging out with Lydia instead.

Scott let out a large sigh as he opened up his locker, "Okay, one thing first. I need to talk to Stiles and let him know everything that happened last night," He explained to the three werewolves, "Without you."

"No," Ethan shook his head in disagreement to the plan.

"Yes," Scott argued with the werewolf, "And I don't want you listening in. No wolf hearing."

"How would you even know, Scott, huh?" Veronica asked the male Alpha with attitude.

Scott became quiet for a moment, trying to think of a great excuse, "I'm a True Alpha." He replied in a calm tone, "You have no idea what I can do." Scott closed his locker door shut before he walked into the chemistry room with Stiles in tow.

"We're still going to listen in, aren't we?" Veronica asked both Aiden and Ethan nodded, causing her to sigh.

After Scott and Stiles were done talking, Scott exited the classroom to find Ethan, Aiden, and Veronica waiting for him. Both Aiden and Ethan opened up the double doors in the hallway as they walked with Scott and Veronica, "Did you tell him?" Aiden asked Scott curiously, even though he had overheard the whole conversation because he eavesdropped with his werewolf hearing, just as Ethan and Veronica did.

Scott stared at him for a moment before he spoke up, "No. He's got enough on his mind right now." He informed them, feeling slightly bad for Stiles as he spoke about him.

"If they're coming for you in a few hours then so do you," Ethan told Scott as the Alpha stopped working as turned to face the three other werewolves.

"What if it's not me?" Scott questioned them and Veronica seemed to be the only one who knew who he was referring to, "Okay? What if I'm not the one they want?"

"Who else is there?" Aiden asked as both Scott and Veronica turned their heads to see Kira walking down the stairs alone.

Kira noticed them both staring and sent them a quick smile before walking off.


"What did you call me here?" Veronica asked Scott confused as she walked into the Boy's locker room after getting a text to meet him there, "Not that I'm mad about missing English or anything."

Scott sighed at Veronica trying to make a joke, "I need your help. I need to get Kira and I out of here and back to my house. There we'll be safe. But I can't seem to get rid of Ethan and Aiden." Scott explained to her and Veronica couldn't help but laugh.

Veronica rolled her eyes at Scott's plea for her to help, "Just take away their way of transportation. Take an important piece off their bikes and then toss it. They won't be able to go anywhere without their bikes."

Scott felt relieved after hearing Veronica's idea, "God, you're a lifesaver," He replied as he began to walk away, "I'll text you when you're safe."

Before Scott could get far, Veronica grabbed ahold of his right arm, stopping him from going any further, "Where do you think you're going?" She questioned him confused, "I'm going with you."

"Um, no you're not," Scott argued, "You could get hurt."

Veronica sighed as she heard Scott's words, "Scott, I'm going whether or not you say I can. No way am I going to allow you and Kira to put in harm's way without backup. As much as I hate to admit it, I care for you guys."

Scott couldn't help but smile at Veronica's comment. He soon nodded, telling her that she could come along, "I'll get Kira. Meet me near our bikes in ten."


As Scott and Veronica climbed up onto their bikes, Aiden and Ethan followed after them. As he put on her helmet, Veronica tried her hardest not to smirk at what was yet to come, "Guys, I appreciate you wanting to protect me. But I have to be alone for a bit and Veronica needs to tag along. So...Sorry about this." Scott grinned as both he and Veronica started up their bikes with no problem.

Aiden and Ethan tried to do the same, only to find they were unable to. After turning the corner, Veronica's bike came to a stop so she could pick up Kira, who had a smile on her face already. Veronica handed the girl her extra helmet before Kira climbed in back of her, wrapping her arms around Veronica's torso, "What do I do with these?" Kira asked, holding out the two small car parts she had taken out of Ethan and Aiden's bikes.

Veronica shrugged, "Eh, toss em." She replied as Kira dropped them on the ground before Veronica sped off on her bike, driving in the direction of Scott's house.

AN: In this book, who do you ship Veronica most with? I'm curious.

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