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   Scott, Kira, and Veronica entered the McCall's family home in a rush. Before walking further, Scott quickly turned to Kira, "Could you lock the door?" He asked her, pointing to the door they had just entered through.

"Yeah, sure," Kira replied as she shut the door behind her and locked it.

Kira and Veronica stood there and watched as Scott walked around the house, locking all the windows. Veronica exhaled deeply, "Scott, we're running out of time. It's almost sunset."

Scott turned to Veronica, "I know. But Allison, her dad, and Isaac are working on something that could help," He informed her quickly, clearly in rush to make sure everything was locked.

Kira let out a sigh as watched Scott walked over to all of the windows, "I don't want to sound pessimistic or anything, but you really think that's going to keep them out?" Kira asked, a concerned look on her face.

"Actually, we have a kind of security system," Scott began to explain, "Things happened a couple of weeks ago, a lot of things, and we had my boss help make a few changes to the house."

Kira seemed a bit relieved when hearing Scott's words, "Your boss? Do you work for a security company or something?" Kira asked curiously and Veronica began to quietly chuckle.

"No, he's a veterinarian." He replied in a calm tone, causing Kira to frown.

"You had a vet put in your alarm?" Kira asked, clearly worried.

"Yeah, sort of," Scott replied as he took off his jacket and backpack, "But neither of us can arm it. Only my mom can."

"By the way, where is your mom?" Veronica spoke up curiously and Scott quickly turned to look at her instead of at Kira.

"Don't worry, guys. She'll be here." Scott assured both females before he ran to his room so he could quickly close the window.

As they followed Scott to his bedroom, Veronica noticed Scott struggling to lock, seeing as it was stuck for some odd reason. Veronica quickly walked over to him and stood on her tip toes as she used her super strength to force it shut, "Thank you," Scott thanked with a smile as Veronica began to slowly back away from the window.

On accident, Veronica ended up bumping right into Kira, "Whoops!" She stated, turning to face the girl as she placed her hands on Kira's shoulder, "Sorry about that," Veronica gave Kira a sympathetic look when noticed how she sensed how worried Kira seemed to be, "You're going to be okay, Kira. I promise." Veronica assured her before turning to Scott, "Both of you are."

Veronica turned back to Kira and noticed how she still had her hands on Kira's shoulders. She made an awkward face as she quickly retracted her hands away from her, "Veronica, you and Scott didn't bring the twins here because you didn't want them to get hurt, right?"

"We don't want anyone getting hurt," Scott answered for both himself and Veronica.

"Then, why did you guys bring me?" Kira retorted and both werewolves immediately became quiet, "If those things are coming after you, Scott, and anyone who gets in the way gets killed, then shouldn't I be somewhere else?"

"Kira, we're not letting you get hurt," Veronica promised Kira, "Neither of us are."

"And I don't want either of you getting hurt." Kira argued back, "Especially because of me."

"It could be either of us," Scott reminded Kira.

Kira shook her head in disagreement with what Scott had said, "I don't think so." Kira told them, "I have to show you guys something."

Veronica and Kira took a seat on Scott's bed as Scott stood beside them. Kira opened her backpack up and took out a book that looked to be about Chinese Mythology. Once opening it, Kira looked over at Scott and Veronica, "Have you guys ever heard of something called a Kitsune?" She asked them.


Later on, Kira continued to show Scott and Veronica the book, "That looks like what happened to you at the power station." Veronica spoke up, pointing at the picture on the page that Kira stopped at.

"When a kitsune rubs its tails together it can create fire or lightning. It's called Foxfire." Kira explained to them and Scott gave her a raised brow at the mention of tails, "I don't have any tails."

"How'd you know what I was thinking?" Scott smiled at Kira.

"Because kitsune are also psychic. I can hear all of your thoughts." Kira informed the two wolves, causing Veronica to give Kira a confused look, "Just kidding."

There a moment of silence between Veronica and Kira as they stared intently at each other, leaving Scott as the third wheel. Scott, who didn't like the idea any longer, walked out of his room without the two girls even realizing. Kira turned to look outside, instantly realizing that it was almost night, "The sun's setting." Kira told Veronica, who nodded.

"Yeah, I know." Veronica replied quietly, only to smell the fear radiating off of Kira, "Are you scared?" She asked Kira, a concerned look on her face.

"Not right now. Not when I'm with you." Kira admitted as avoided eye contact with Veronica, "I'm supposed to be back home before dinner."

"Tell them you have a hot date," Veronica told her, a small smile appearing on her lips.

"What should I say exactly, huh?" Kira questioned curiously.

"Say you're going on a date with a really cute girl, who happened to have saved your life on multiple occasions," Veronica explained, her voice just above a whisper.

"Are you sure that's a really good idea, Veronica? You must know, foxes or wolves don't really get along." Kira informed her with a small smile.

"Well, if we're getting technical, neither do coyotes and wolves, but my father and stepmother worked out fine." Veronica replied, only to close her eyes, clearly ashamed, "I ruined the moment by mentioning my dead father, didn't I?"

Kira couldn't help but laugh at the face Veronica made, "Yeah, yeah, you did." Kira said to her Veronica opened her eyes back up.

She stared directly into the Kitsune's eyes as she closed up the book in her lap. Veronica began to lean forward a bit, about to kiss her. Just then, she heard a car pull up into Scott's driveway.

She cursed under her breath, pulling away from Kira, "That's probably Scott's mother, we better go." She spoke up as she quickly got up from the bed.

AN: I have no clue what I've done to this book. One minute she's confessing her feelings for Lydia, which was three chapters before this, might I add, five chapters before that, Scott was about to kiss her and I wrote in that deep down she had feelings for him but didn't want to act on it. And now, she's over here trying to kiss Kira. Wtf am I doing? But hey, at least I got both a Kira+Veronica (no ship name made up yet) moment and also a Vydia moment done today. All I need to do is add in a Sceronica moment somewhere and I think I'll be satisfied.

Tbh, at first, I was going to have Scott be the main love interest for season 4 and 5, but now, idk. Maybe I want her with Kira or Lydia instead. I do know for a fact though that I'm going to have Veronica with Scott in season 5, but maybe I'll change it up for season four and have her be with one of the girls instead of Scott. What do you guys think?

Sorry that I I keep adding questions to the ends of all these chapters, I just want to have all of your opinions to know what you personally want to happen.

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