.Chapitre Vingt-et-Un.

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'This is a contract that must be signed and dated no more than five days prior to the set date of your trial. This contract must be upheld and followed to the letter, if there are any violations your parole will be revoked. In order to be let out on parole you must have a place of residency with a mailing address. You must also be undergoing court appointed therapy sessions with Ms. Ada untill she or the court seems fit. You will have bi-monthly meetings with your parole agent who is still to be determined. Given your previous records of violence you are not allowed to engage in any violent activity that includes but is not limited to boxing, street fighting, kung-fu, etc. You may, however, box for recreational activity. If you are arrested for any reason what-so-ever your parole will be terminated immediately.''

It was now five days before my trial and I still haven't found a place to live, I mean who wants to live with a convicted felon? And how in the hell am I supposed to rent an apartment if I don't have any money?

This contract was starting to look like a lost cause, but I did understand why Ms. Perez gave me the newspaper.

I took the sharpie I was using to circle articles on the paper and drew a big 'X' through the contact info of the person who just laughed at me.

Douche bag.

My head fell to the back of the couch, why didn't I start trying to find an apartment when I first got the newspaper and the contract?! I was set to get out of here in five days, five freaking days and I was way behind schedule.

Camilla's hearing was tomorrow and she already had a place to stay. Maybe I could put in a favor with Marisa.

No, I couldn't do that! She only had one extra room, there was no way I could impose on her. I was stressed out and getting angrier and angrier by the second.

"Dale, could you take me down to Ms. Ada's?" I asked him exhausted. He nodded and placed his hands on my shoulder, steering me to the door.

"I'm so sorry your stressed, Reaggie- Poo!" I sighed. Yeah I was sorry too!

When I opened the door to Ms. Ada's office she was sitting at her desk and looked up at me surprised.

"Reagan, what are doing here? You already had your session three days ago."

"I know, I just really needed to talk to you about this whole having to find a place to live thing it's stressing me out! I've called dozens of people and their reactions are all the same. I mean who in their right minds would want an attempted murderer to live with them? That's right, no one." I finished my rant and put my head in my hands.

What was I going to do?

"Maybe you could call a family member that'll let you stay with them?" she asked hopefully. I stared at her shocked, was she not listening to me the day I told her about Mitch and my 'Mother'? Ms. Ada quickly shook her head and held up her hands. "Not those family members, I mean an aunt or an uncle?"

Sadly, I had no aunts or uncles. I had step- aunts and step-uncles but I didn't want to waste my time on them. If I stayed with them Mitch would just come and get me just like he always did.

This was it, there was no way I was getting out of here without a place of residency. I would forever be stuck in prison.

"Reagan," Ms. Ada said as she took off her glasses. "Just how stupid do you think I am?" this seemed like a loaded question to me and I was afraid of what would happen if I said the wrong thing.

"Well considering your multiple degrees I'd say your pretty smart. She nodded and sat forward a bit.

"Okay, then why did you think I wouldn't know your little secret?"

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