The Train Ride

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"Brooklyn Anne Snow," My mother says, tearing up, "Be safe, make sure to write. We wanna here something from you!" My dad laughed at my mum, who was full on bawling, and me and my 13 older brother, Tyler joined in.

"Okay, just don't bed surprised if 2 owls appear at your window, lugging 2 heavy letters." I joked, though it was true. Me and Tyler were not using one owl to carry 2 letters. Too much work.

My 2 year old brother and sister, Emma and William, were hugging me and Tyler's leg, forcing us to not leave. Wasn't exactly working. And Natalie, my 3 year old sister, was laughing at their attempt.

We laughed, and got pulled into a hug by our parents. It was like that for awhile until my dad says, "The train is going to leave soon, you better go." In his thick Scottish accent. That's where I get some of my words.

"Alright.. Bye!" Tyler and I exclaim, walking off to the train, seeing as Mum combusted in to a fit of tears again.

Tyler walked to a compartment, where his Ravenclaw friends had been, waving me off to go alone.

Considering I am in my first year, it was quite hard to find friends, so I attempted to find a compartment alone, where I could just stay alone with my thoughts. Though being with people would be nice also.

I hadn't realized where I was going, until I actually reached the end and hit my head on the bathroom door, and turned to my left to find an empty compartment. I walked inside, and sat on the side where I wouldn't throw up, and pulled out my book from my bag. I was currently reading ; The Notebook

After a few minutes of silence, someone came in.

It was a boy, surprisingly, with messy brown hair and round glasses. He was quite cute, I admit. Seemed like a pranking type, not focusing on his studies and what not. I couldn't tell though.

"Hello? Girl reading the book?" The boy said, waving his hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts and perked up. "Sorry. Was busy." I apologized.

"May I sit here?" He asks. "Sure." I reply, moving my stuff that was scattered over half of the seat. He snatched the book out of my hand. "Oi!"

"Muggle Romance.. Really?" He asks, skimming through the pages.

"The characters are cliché."

"They're nice." I say, trying to snatch my book back.

"Too cheesy."

"Sweet." Okay, I admit, none of the romance stuff would happen in real life, but they were sweet.

"I agree with glasses here," A boy says, coming in, "They are cheesy." I roll my eyes, "May I sit here?" He asks, and I nod.

"I'm James Potter, by the way." Glasses says, "And I'm Sirius Black." Curly introduces. "Brooke Snow." I simply say, getting my book back and tucking it away in my bag.

This'll be a long ride...

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