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I quietly tap my fingers on the desk impatiently waiting for the bell to ring

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I quietly tap my fingers on the desk impatiently waiting for the bell to ring.

From the corner of my eye, I can feel Eve's eyes boring into me with questions. As much as I want to fill her in on what's happening, my attention is on Blake.

After he sent me the message asking me to meet up with him during lunchtime, I kept raking my mind, trying to figure out what he wants to talk about.

Part of me hopes that he doesn't bring up what happened on Saturday and the other part wants him to so we can simply talk it out and move past it. Hopefully, we can.

Hopefully, I can.

When the bell finally rings, I put everything inside my bag and Eve starts asking all the questions she's been burning to ask.

"Did you talk to Blake last night or you are still ignoring him?" she probes, now standing next to me "have you figured out what you are going to do?"

"I'm going to speak to him now. He sent me a text yesterday asking that we meet up near the track field" I grab my bag and stand up.

"What do you think he wants to talk about? Do you think he wants to talk about what happened on Saturday?" we walk out of the classroom and she continues asking questions "or do you think he wants to tell you that he likes you?"

"I doubt it. He probably wants to give me that I only see you as a friend speech" I turn and look at her "let me go and find out what he wants. I'll come and join you at the cafeteria after our talk"

"I can't wait to hear all about it," she says giving me a thumbs up.

Standing by the track field seats, I place my hand on my forehead, look into the distance and finally spot Blake and Erica on the field.

Erica bends down, tying her running shoes, and then stands up, taking a step closer to Blake, grabbing him by his blazer. When she wraps her arms around him, she spots me and her lips broaden into a grin before connecting them to Blake's.

My heart shatters into a million pieces and a sharp pain slice through my gut. Everything around me becomes a blur together with my thoughts and I lose touch with reality but the sound of Blake calling me brings me back to the present.

"Precious" he runs over to me.

Willing my feet to move, I run down the steps. The second my feet touch the grass, I pick up speed and he continues running after me "Precious" tears leak from my eyes but I quickly wipe them not wanting him to catch sight of my tears.

What did I even expect...for him to tell me that he feels something for me like I feel something for him? I'm so naïve.

I knew this. I knew that he loves her. He made it clear on Saturday.

I can't believe that I deceived myself into believing that he likes me.

Why the fuck am I upset?

It's not like we are dating. Erica is his girlfriend and I'm with Ben. I'm happy with Ben. He loves me.

Find A Way To My Heart - Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now