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The week drags that when Friday rolls in, I'm not just mentally drained by all the school work, but I'm also emotionally drained by all the boys who fucked up my life

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The week drags that when Friday rolls in, I'm not just mentally drained by all the school work, but I'm also emotionally drained by all the boys who fucked up my life.

Ben has been trying to reach out to me. I ended up blocking him everywhere and then he showed up at my house. I didn't even give him a time of a day, I told him to fuck off and walked into the house, leaving him standing outside.

Paul has also been trying to speak to me but every time he'd show up at my place with his parents, I'd stay in my room and fake a massive headache. Luckily my parents bought it. I even overheard mum telling them that I needed some space because of everything that happened. It made ditching Paul easy.

Then there's Blake who has made it his mission to keep his distance from me. After what happened on Monday, I expected him to call me, or text me but he never did. As much as I would like to say I'm glad that he listened, there's a part of me that still wanted him to try and talk to me, especially when I'd catch him stealing glances at me.

I hate how I'm longing for him, for his attention, for an explanation from him.

I hate that out of all the shit that happened, he seems to be the only one occupying my thoughts.

"Smells good in here," Jason says after we walk into the dining room "what are we having?"

"Dad cooked dinner tonight," mum tells us. Jason and I exchange glances, our eyes not concealing our skeptical thoughts "come on guys. It smells good, I'm sure it tastes good too"

"What tastes good?" papa walks into the room with two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.

"Jason was just commenting on how good the food smells and that it must taste good too," mum says and kisses him on the cheek.

"I never said anything about the food tasting good" Jason murmurs and I jab him "Ow!"

We take our seats and mum starts dishing up for all of us. Papa pours himself and mum a glass of wine. I grab the jug with orange juice and pour it for Jason and me.

"So how was school today?" papa asks, taking a sip of his wine.

"Okay," Jason says cutting his steak "just a shitty load of homework"

"Language" mum's eyes quickly move to Jason.

Papa turns to me "nana, anything interesting happened at school today?"

I shake my head "school was just okay"

"Are you still friends with Blake and Ray? I haven't seen them in a while" he takes another sip.

"We are no longer friends" my eyes are hard on my glass of juice.

"Honey, what happened" mum eyes me curiously.

"A lot happened. I don't want to talk about it" I take a sip of my juice.

Even though they don't ask more questions, I can feel all their eyes on me.

Find A Way To My Heart - Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now