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"So, how was it?" Eve is lying on my bed on her back, staring at me upside down, eager for me to share all the details about what went down between me and Blake last night "how was it?" She probes, grinning from ear to ear

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"So, how was it?" Eve is lying on my bed on her back, staring at me upside down, eager for me to share all the details about what went down between me and Blake last night "how was it?" She probes, grinning from ear to ear.

I scroll through Netflix movies and series, searching for something we can watch "how was what?" I fake confusion.

"Come on, Cass. You know exactly what I'm talking about?" I meet her duh stare and then return my eyes to the TV screen "how was the sex?"

"Nothing happened last night" I finally tell her "We just had junk food, watched movies until we passed out" I explain, still scrolling.

"You are kidding, right?" she blinks.

"No, I'm not" I reach for my bottle of water and take a sip.

"The way you guys were staring at each other when you were dancing, I was so sure that you were going to fuck"

"We didn't. Are you in the mood for comedy or romance?" she sits up straight and seizes the remote from me, switching off the tv "babe!"

She pats the space for me to sit "I'm not going to let you speed past this conversation. What happened? Why didn't you guys fuck?"

"There's nothing to talk about" I stand up from the couch and exit the door, ending the conversation.

"Babe" she follows me down the stairs "are you okay?" her voice oozes worry.

"I'm okay" I give her a quick side glance "I just don't want to talk about it"

The events from last night have been weighing on my mind the whole day, the last thing I want is to talk about it. I can't even stop thinking about what not going all the way with Blake last night will do to our relationship. And the little voice that's taunting me is not making it any easy for me.

What if he starts losing interest in you

What if he starts acting up like Ben did when you refused to sleep with him

What if there has been a shift in his feelings

I hate how the voice in my head insists on comparing Blake to Ben. I hate it because I know Blake is nothing like Ben.

"Take a seat. I will make us something to eat" Eve's voice breaks me out of my thoughts and I sit on one of the barstools, watching her absent absentmindedly.

I try to pay attention to what she's saying, to engage in all the conversations she's trying to create but I fail to. The little voice keeps tormenting me nonstop, torturing me and I can't seem to be in the present moment with her.

I'm finally pulled back to the present moment when Eve pushes a plate of a tall stack of pancakes with syrup and all sorts of berries cascading from the top "Bon appetit" her lips lift into a smile "and to top it off, I made us double-E"

Find A Way To My Heart - Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now