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Shawn's POV

She must've thought I was joking because the moment the elevator goes down, she's shaking and struggling to get a hold of the handle. I grin at the sight as she reminds me of a fish I caught last summer and how it struggled to get back into the water. She finally gets a hold of the handle as the elevator slows down. I look at her as she puts a loose strand of hair behind her ears. Just then, I notice the tattoo on her neck. Written in cursive were the initials J.S.D.

Jermany's POV

I was freaking the hell out; I really underestimated Shawn Phillips. Just when I was recovering from the elevator shock he asks.

"What does the S?" mean?"

"The S?"

"Your neck." I immediately recollect my tattoo and unconsciously cover it up. "Those are your initials right?" He asks.

"Y-yes." I say shyly.

"What does the "S" mean?" He asks again.

"Um, it's Sunshine."

"Sunshine, your name is Jermany Sunshine Dallas?"

"Did you not read my CV?" I ask shocked that he didn't see it on there.

"Your names are weird." he says and begins to laugh. His laughter fills the elevator and I can't help but stare. He must've noticed because he stops abruptly. I look away before he catches me but, he must've already felt my gaze so I don't know why I bothered looking away.
The elevator stops and we both get out.

That was intense.

The sight before me was glorious. It was an estate with many flats and people. The men here were huge and tattooed all over. Some looked high and some looked hungry, not food hungry though maybe like sex hungry. The ladies wore revealing clothes and I could either see their boobs, thighs or both. Where the hell was down here? And how did all this, all of them fit down here?

"Where are we?" I ask but for some reason I dread the answer.

"Welcome to the PLAYHOUSE, where I am the controller and they are my dolls." He replies grinning.

I was beyond confused. "Playhouse? How does all this fit down here? I don't understand." I was more confused than a six year old asked to solve quantum physics. Shawn Philips smiles.

"All this existed before PHandC; down here there is a legacy."

Why on earth was he speaking in parables?

"You're not making sense sir." I say

He smiles again. "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, I wanna know why I am down here."

He looks at me for a while before walking away. I follow him frustrated.

"Hello, it's getting difficult to call you Sir when you are acting like a jerk..."

"Heads or tails?" he asks.


"Heads or Tails" he emphasizes each word.

"What's heads?"I ask

"Heads; I tell you my secret and you stay. Tails; I let you go without telling you anything and by tomorrow I expect my account to be credited with $500,000. Choose wisely."

He brings out a penny and throws it up to the sky. As the coin flips I looked around my surroundings, taking it all in. This place was both beautiful and awful. It looked good on the outside but one could tell that something was wrong here; like when a situation is both bitter and sweet.

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