Twenty Four

223 19 5

Jermany's POV

Eva gets in the car just as the engine revs to life. I watch as the car drives away, waving at the retreating image. Eva is really gone, and she hasn't only left me with a hole in my heart; she has also left me with questions in my head. Questions that need answers. The entire atmosphere felt moody. I turn on my heel, about to leave when someone grabs my arm roughly. I brace myself for the confrontation I have been avoiding. He spins me around so quick that I end up flush against his chest. I don't dare look up, but he grabs my cheeks and forces my eyes to look into his almost black ones.

"Do you have any idea what you have just done?"

His voice is bitter, like nothing I have ever heard before.

"I should congratulate you right, your plan worked." Plan? "Your plan to come here and ruin everything. Ever since you arrived, it has been nothing but trouble. It's like they sent you as some kind of punishment for my many evil deeds." Shawn squeezes my hand tighter, causing me to moan in pain. "Are you happy? Are you finally satisfied or do you have more up your sleeves?"

"I understand that it hurt you Shawn, believe me I do. After all, she's my friend too..."

"You can't call her your friend, you have no right. Have the both of you known each other since childhood? Did the both of you play together all the time? Did the both of you form a sibling bond with each other? Was she there for you when your parents fought? Did she ever sing you to sleep? Did she ever tell you stories of glorious lands and warriors? Did she ever stand by you when no one else did?"

As Shawn mentions everything Eva had done for him I realise that he loves Eva more than I thought. Even though she was just 6 years older than him, she was still like a mother to him. He cares about her, and that's why he did what he did. His approach might have been wrong, but his heart was in the right place. I suddenly feel ten times worse.

"You would never understand how important she is to me, never. I could have found an acceptable way to tell her, I wanted to sit her down and talk but no, you ruined it all with this big mouth of yours. She left because of you; this is all your fault!"

My head goes zing! The moment he says that. "Excuse me?" I ask, looking at him sternly.

"Yes, this is all your fault. If you had listened to me and kept your voice down, then none of this would have happened. If you had told her you wanted her to stay then she would have never left."

"No, you're wrong. Eva had decided, and nobody was going to change it. Not me, and definitely not you. If you hadn't hidden Quan in the first place, then none of this would have happened. This is your fault, not mine."

"If you had never entered my office in the first place without permission, then you would have never overheard and then none of this would have happened."

"I'm not playing the blame game with you." I say rolling my eyes. "I'm sick and tired of you blaming all of your misfortunes on me."

"The truth hurts and you are in denial."

"Just stop it; for once take responsibility for your mistakes." I retort.

"I haven't made a mistake; I did the right thing by keeping Quan. Peter was going to kill him; a little boy. I did what I had to do because it was the only way but you; it wasn't even your business to begin with." He says angrily.

"It was the right thing to do!"

"What do you know about the right thing to do! You did this for you, so you would stop feeling guilty about harboring the secret. But, you and I both know that the way she found out was not the right way at all. If you were her, would you have loved to have overheard such important news about your life? No right? But yet you did that to her. And you did it just so you could get the guilt off your chest."

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